Why does Lineage Matter?
Lineage allows us to determine the origins and source of teachings. We can find out about the lineage of a practitioner by understanding who their teacher, and their teacher's teacher was. This is what lineage is and it goes beyond organisations.
The ancient mystery schools have always put a lot of emphasis on lineage and preserving the knowledge, wisdom and keys to true spiritual power shared. To ensure the energy transmission beyond just the sharing of the knowledge students are thought orally and the transmission was affirmed through initiation.
“My years of research among the records of olden peoples available in libraries, museums and shrines of ancient cultures, has convinced me that there exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest.” Manly P. Hall
The term of Order of the Quest can be used to define the body of initiates that form a mystery school and are dedicated to better themselves as well as to bring light to their environment for the progression of humanity.
Throughout history there have been many periods where the keepers of this knowledge had to operate underground. Their wisdom and light wasn’t always welcome. Over the last 20 years this has started to shift, we are entering a different time where more and more people are openly looking for this ancient wisdom.
There are 7 mystery schools on the planet today. A mystery school can be likened to a tree with a strong trunk and several branches. So each mystery school has a foundation in it’s own lineage and has different branches of study or energy work. E.g. Shamanism, Alchemy, Druidism etc. The 7 Mystery Schools are: the Tibetan Mystery School, Japanese Mystery School, the English Mystery School, the North American Mystery School, the Australian Mystery School, the Rumanian Mystery School and The African Mystery School. The schools have different lineages such as origins in Lemuria, Middle Earth, Atlantis and the Gods of Space or The Northern Gods or in the case of the school we study in the Lineage of King Solomon.
About the lineage of the modern mystery school
We are proud to train in the ancient lineage of King Solomon through the Modern Mystery School. The School’s mission is about anchoring more light to the planet and holding the vision for a future where we can all live together in unity, royalty and joy, connected to our divinity and flowing abundance to all people on earth.
The lineage of King Solomon can be traced back 3500 years and beyond that with less accuracy back to 8000 years. This is an ancient mystery school lineage which has safeguarded the wisdom and true ways of working with energy for lightwork through thousand of years so that we can use these tools today.
King Solomon was a very wise man who gathered shamans from a lot of different places and traditions to work together in a dedicated temple. They exchanged practices and tools and he reorganised the wisdom into a powerful and very wise system of study and spiritual progression which allows us to gradually receive more light through initiation. This is a very safe and tested way of opening our consciousness and senses and to learn how to work with the higher worlds. It is not about showing you the way but about giving you the tools to access your own wisdom and guidance.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the structure of reality:
“In a real sense all life is inter-related. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be... This is the inter-related structure of reality.”
In that sense by connecting to and living your purpose from a place of empowerment and joy you contribute to the progression of all.
Initiates of this lineage including Leonardo Da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Jung and David Bowie, have been working in large and small ways, in the public eye and behind the scenes sharing their light and creative force in their own unique way for the benefit of humanity.
Who are the lineage holders today?
Ipissimus Hierophant Gudni “Frater Ged” Gudnason, Founder of the Modern Mystery School
Ipsissimus Gudni founded the Modern Mystery School when he was allowed to bring this Lineage out to the public in 1997. His dedication to his mission and to safeguard the lineage is beyond inspiring, he dedicates his life to this mission and lives it with joy and passion in everything he does.
Ipsissimus Gudni consistently advocates for embracing a life infused with pure magic, encouraging the recognition of one's divine self and discovering joy in existence. Demonstrating this philosophy, he not only serves as an inspirational teacher but also expresses his creativity through art, poetry, music, and filmmaking, exemplifying a vibrant and fulfilled approach to life.
You are an eternal being.You have never been born, therefore you can never die.
Founder Gudni Gudnason
Founder Gudni Frater Ged Gudnason
About Ipsissimus Dave “Thor” Lanyon
Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon is a true warrior of light, his heart can be felt by everyone who meets him yet he does not let any shadow pass unchecked. Based in Toronto his passion for empowering people leads him to teach people all over the world in the capacity of Ritual Master Teacher and Warrior of Light. He is the author of two books: ‘You are not Perfect the Way you are’ and “Essential Principles for the Warrior or Light'“.
Every moment of time we are given the choice between light and dark, positive and negative, good and evil. A Warrior of Light learns to be wise enough to distinguish the difference and recognizing the choice, they choose Light, even though it is often the harder of the two. Our ultimate weapon is Love, our shield is Peace, our fuel is Passion and our goal is Joy.
Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon
Ipsissimus Dave Thor Lanyon
Ipsissimus Hideto Rei Nakagome
About Ipsissimus Hideto “Rei” Nakagome
Ipsissimus Hideto inspires with his clarity, compassion and humility. His honesty is disarming and encourages one to look into the mirror with authenticity and passion. Based in Japan he serves all over the world in the capacity of Ritual Master Teacher, Warrior of Light and Ensofic Ray Teacher
It is easy to be calm when you are meditating.
It is easy to visualize when you meditate sitting still. It is easy to think positive while in a temple.Can you be calm, positive and have clear vision while you are moving through life?The universal life force has to be controlled both inside and outside of you; with this you can have full control over your inner and outer universe.
Ipissimus Hideto Rei Nakagome
If you feel called to walk the path, you may start your first step with a simple Life Activation.
About the Council of 12 and the 7 IpsissimI
The The Council of 12 represents the council of the 12 Goddesses. It holds the frequency of the divine feminine for the lineage. These 12 powerful goddesses are also leading the school in many areas, they are priestesses and each of them holds their own unique keys to magick. The Council of 12 is a group of 12 women, high-level initiates from all over the world who serve as leadership for the Modern Mystery School. 7 of these women have been initiated as Ipsissimi in May 2023.
Divina Dr. Kate Bartram Brown, Ipsissima Franca Lanyon, Divina Dr. Ann Donnelly, Divina Liza Rossi, Ipissima Dr. Theresa Bullard, Divina Dr. Rita Van den Berg, Ipsissima Eiko Gudnason, Ipsissima Luisa Nakagome, Ipsissima Maki Otani, Ipsissima Azusa Yoda, Divina Suzoko Kitamura, Ipsissima Tsukiko Kimura
From Left to Right: Ipsissima Divina Tsukiko Kimura (Ensofic Ray), Ipsissima Divina Luisa Nakagome (Shamanism), Ipsissima Divina Eiko Gudnason (Royal Way), Ipsissima Divina Dr Theresa Bullard-Whyke (Kabbalah), Ipsissima Azusa Yoda (Grand Oracle), Ipsissima Sandra Reed (Honorary), Ipsissima Divina Franca Lanyon (Alchemy)
We believe that all humans have come from a Divine Origin and are therefore made from a Divine substance, therefore in a sense are Gods and Goddesses!
We believe that all humans are Eternal, that we have never been born and therefore we can never die. Yes, we have a physical body, but so does the butterfly have a shell, a larva that then transforms into their true nature. We believe that we are in that process, becoming our true self! We believe that all humans have all the knowledge we need, and that whatever questions we have, the answers reside within ourselves.
The Mystery School was established only to assist humans to find those answers, not to give them!
We believe that humans are constructed by three components, physical body, soul and spirit and that all three of these need to be taken care of through wisdom, nurturing, and healing.
The Mystery School Lineage provides this with ancient metaphysical tools used and perfected over thousands of years. The Lineage has focused on working with and creating tools to handle the complicated machine or the computer of the human vehicle, what we call the MIND.
Our tools are aimed to help each individual take back control of this vehicle for themselves so they can create a better life.
We believe that all of our physical manifestations start within the mind thus it is so important to take good care of it!
We believe that humans are born as two different genders, male and female, as so proven by biology and that the science of this is accurate. We then believe in the individual’s freedom to regard themselves as whatever or whoever makes them happy, but that the facts are indisputable that our foundational physicality is that we are all born either male or female and that there are undeniable differences in that foundation.
We furthermore believe that we have certain archetypes for us to follow and strive to be like, these all being Gods and Goddesses of ancient times on earth, bringing us good values and traits for us to follow and admire. These archetypes have inspired us humans for thousands of years and they define our lives in every way, allowing us to overcome any obstacle that comes before us, to grow greater than our previous self and rise victorious in life. Without these divine archetypes we would not nor could we attain such heights of human potential.
We believe in the essential goodness of all humans or their capacity for such, even though history may show different. Humans are innately good, and with the correct environmental influence and inner self work we can accomplish our highest human potential to do good! We believe in the right of self-determination as well as taking full responsibility for one’s own thoughts, actions and words in all situations.
We believe that the true ownership of those things is laid at the feet of the individual self, whether it bares good or bad fruit for themselves or others.
We believe that the character and integrity of a individual is far more important and meaningful than the identification of one by a group or a collective.
We believe people should have the freedom to express themselves in a healthy way, unburdened by any constraint to conform to a particular group or person’s personal opinions or acceptance of those views.
We believe in the power of humans to create a better world and that with the correct nurturing we can accomplish that goal. This would not be accomplished with any one organization (including the Modern Mystery School), religion or otherwise such, but rather through the power of the people themselves, led by their love of freedom, acceptance of themselves and others and peace!
We value life as we know it, that sacred spark from the universe that can and will ignite the world to become a better place for us all.
We value every individual, no matter who or what they are, by what name they go or ideas they have.
We will do our best to make certain that they can express themselves in the most healthy and positive way possible for humans.
We value that, after the awakening of the inner being, there is a need for selfexpression of their soul, their inner feelings and thoughts.
We welcome that expression and see it as a part of our organization, as a part of who and what we are. We value being different, we see it as being unique.
We welcome those who suffer from the ignorance and judgement of others who do not understand nor accept that uniqueness.
We value society, as it has given us the opportunity to serve the greater good to a larger audience.
We value Governments of countries who try to do their best to take care of their citizens.
We value those who want to create a positive change in the world and we gladly support their efforts.
If you feel called to walk the path, you are welcome to come for the Life Activation.
*This is an IN PERSON private healing session taking place in our centre in London, UK. You can also reach out first by email contact@incentrelondon.com
The way in which we live today is a culmination of our environment and our ancestors experiences. This ancient shamanic session activates our purpose and reconnects us to our original blueprint. It helps to accelerate healing and transform recurrent patterns (emotional or mental) that often are passed down through ancestral lines.
The session works on all subtle energy bodies at the same time so is very comprehensive and excellent to target any kind of blocks: mental, emotional or spiritual.
In the first part of the session all your energy bodies: 16 lotus petals, elemental lines, magnetic lines, chakra lines are balanced. This leaves you with a greater sense of emotional and mental stability, which prepares you for the activation, which uses a specially prepared wand and crystal.
This session works on all levels, targeting your nervous system, as well as your physical, your emotional, and your higher self. The session will continue to have an effect over a
period of 1 - 3 months.
This practice is ideal if you’re experiencing a period of transition in your life, if you’re preparing for changes, or you’re simply longing to make adjustments, but you keep facing setbacks instead.
Includes: life activation + cord cut + personal consultation + follow up consultation.
Format: Private session
Exchange: 250£, 90mins for the first session and 60min follow-up
Location: INCENTRE London, 95 Lancaster Gate, W2 3NW
We look forward to meeting you should you feel called to this.
Cecile Tanmaya George and the INCENTRE Team