About the Life Activation
The Life activation is a session that allows you to reconnect to a lighter and more aligned version of yourself. Because it is such a comprehensive healing that works on all levels (emotions, nervous system, aura, chakras and more) it helps to clear blockages and creates a fertile ground for deeper healing. The benefits come-in over time after the session as you gradually adjust to the new state of being.
Over the years clients have left us reviews. You are welcome to read them below. We know that trying something new can take a bit of courage and we look forward to hearing from you should you want to explore the life activation or anything else.
More Reviews and Testimonials
“Hi Tanmaya, I came to you last year around July for life activation. I just wanted to get in touch and say thank you so much. Over time I have seen the profound healing that came through it and am quite blown away by how powerful the cord cutting was. After feeling so lost for so long I finally feel like I am living in congruence with what I have wanted to do for so long. I am so grateful I have met you. K”
I love Sacred Geometry and I am so excited to learn more. For me It is like learning about magic. It teaches us about the building blocks of our reality. It is a very powerful tool that we can learn to harness the power of the Universe in order to use it for our greatest good. It use the tools of the class daily to help me keep the vibration of my space high and I really feel the difference!
Alla Piezarca on Sacred Geometry

"Completely changed my life, I changed relationship, created my own coaching company and got back to full health after burn-out within a year”
Click here to watch the video with Cornelia
Cornelia Fisch-Buechli about Life Activation and Empower Thyself
Tanmaya is one of the most dedicated healers I've known. Her teachings and healing practices are a reflection of her internalised knowledge and life experiences. What I like the most about her is that she leads by example - she can be both strong like a warrior when facing challenges, and soft, gentle and loving like a mother when dealing with sensitive personal matters. I've known her for a couple of years and all I can say is that if you decide to go with her, you will be in good hands.
Huiwen Wu about Life Activation and Empower Thyself
"Life Activation was amazing session - initially sceptical I quickly realised that doing it helped me to move on with so many challenges in my life and prepared me in a way for what was coming. As life is an ongoing process I definitely will do it again.
Empower Thyself - it took me a while to get ready for it but with amazing support from Tanmaya when the right moment came I didn't hesitated. I really feel like all the tools which I was given are becoming a part of my life and I can see that I'm much stronger emotionally and much more resistant to other people's energies."
Ela, London about Life Activation and Empower Thyself
"I feel a big shift out of lots of the relationship drama and trust issues that have been draining me for so long and also a readiness to start stepping forward more with my work as my studies draw to ending in November.
A real sense of 'activation' and something clearing."
Jacquelene, London about the Life Activation
I met Tanmaya for life activation 2 years ago, I then went on to complete empower thyself. I would highly recommend to anyone who is trying to find their way in life. I had so much clarity after these two courses. I am still in contact with Tanmaya today and she is always there if I ever need any support. After initially feeling sceptical, I am so glad I took that step out of my comfort zone.
Luke Chase about Empower Thyself
The Empower Thyself program has brought a lot of changes both for me and my wife. The tools are just amazing. It really helps you deal with your daily life and you learn to look at things more positively. Jonathan
The Empower Thyself was such a wonderful experience. I recommend it to people who are too busy with their lives. We need to look after and nurture our spiritual growth. - Theresa
Jonathan and Theresa about Empower Thyself
I thought I should write and let you know how I'm doing. And that is: really well! I feel just amazing and have really turned things around. I'm loving work and although it's stressy I no longer feel that fear and dread I used to. I have a new level of confidence and am working in a way that I feel I've never achieved before.
I'm sure this is as a result of the work we did together so I want to thank very much for your support and your skills. If there's any way I could give a testimonial on your website, if you need that, then please just say.
Darren about Life Activation and Somatic Experiencing
Message received 2 weeks after “Empower Thyself”
“So much has happened these two weeks, it’s incredible. I have a new job, a new boss, and I am feeling the energy after being very negative and all going wrong is now shifting in a positive way. I am quite mindblown sofar for whats happening and I cant explain it! “
Client about Empower Thyself
“The healing session that I received from Amanda was profound and gentle, powerful and long-lasting. I believe it has helped me transform and shift patterns on a deep level, finally enabled me to let go of things, ways of being that no longer served me. As well as let in more light into my being. I am very grateful.”
Marie Therese, after receiving life activation
“I recently visited Amanda to have three sessions of reiki to assist with my recovery from laproscopic surgery for endometriosis. From the outset I experienced a very powerful response to her treatment which really helped me to clear scar tissue, reconnect with my body after surgery and boost healing. I no longer experience any pain - she is a miracle worker! I have recommended her amazing treatment to a number of friends who have experienced similarly powerful results.”
Philly, after receiving Ensofic Reiki
“After seeing Amanda my back pain disappeared, my emotional body felt clearer, and I left with a calm openness, that made me feel closer to myself. She has an almost magical capacity to discover what part of the body needs attention, and somehow deliver to it, exactly what it needs.”
Ilyas, after receiving Ensofic Reiki