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Post Initiation Aftercare

Post Initiation Aftercare

Cecile George and Grace Hui for Incentre

So, you have just received an Initiation and your structure is full of light. You might feel like you are walking on water, floating with the clouds or tired. Different people will feel it differently.  Clients often ask me what they can do to support themselves after initiation and I know that it can be a helpful for people to understand more about what to expect and how the experiences can evolve I created this overview based on my experience of supporting and guiding people in the transition and integration period post initiation.

Healers Academy - The Truth about Complete Healing and Transformation

Healers Academy - The Truth about Complete Healing and Transformation

Grace Hui for Incentre

There is no better place to really sink into your heart and allow it to heal. As all the phrases say “Follow your heart”, “Go with your gut”. They all mean the same thing – Go to where your true and untainted self resides and that is where your heart is. Not the heart that is coloured by the dramas, traumas and negativity of the human mind but the pure heart that knows its purpose and worth. 


In the light of Healers Academy, as you learn to truly serve, you also serve yourself as layers of pain, hurt, anger and trauma melt away, allowing you to truly see yourself as the divine being that you are. In the love of the temple, you learn to begin to truly love yourself and when you genuinely love yourself, you will begin to love others.

It is at the Healers Academy that the foundation of world peace is laid. Imagine a world where we all saw the intrinsic worth of all life including our own! That’s Shamballa, or world peace, the mission of the Modern Mystery School.

How Energy Healing can support Mental Health and Neurodiversity

Grace Hui for Incentre

Mental health issues and its effect on society had been in the headlines in recent years. While mental health concerns are not new to humanity, society has been much more accepting of it as a legitimate concern that has genuine implications on people only in the last decade or so.

There are many different types of mental health conditions. Depression and anxiety are the general ones. There are also neurological and developmental conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism which can lead to mental health issues if not properly supported.

Talk therapy has become increasingly common as a means of support for those who are struggling with these conditions. In some cases, medication is prescribed, either alongside talk therapy or by itself as a means to manage these conditions and its effects.

These forms of support have no doubt been helpful to many who have struggled with these conditions and people who are struggling should always seek and follow the advice of medical professionals. That said, there are many complementary treatments which can aid and support those suffering from these conditions, alongside prescribed medical intervention.

A Mindset Shift

Some experts have also recently challenged the labelling of ADHD as a medical disorder that requires medical treatment, arguing that ADHD represents a natural variation in human cognition and behaviour. An example of this line of argument appears in an article in The Economist titled  "ADHD should not be treated as a disorder".

Labelling ADHD as a medical condition can potentially lead to unnecessary medical intervention and unhelpful stigmatisation.

Perhaps society can be less reactionary in its response and strive to accept neurodiversity without defaulting to medical intervention. For instance, are there other ways in which such differing cognitive styles can be supported?

Instead of rushing for medical intervention, could we be more open to exploring alternative means of support systems that focus on individual strengths and environmental adjustments rather than viewing ADHD traits as deficits needing correction?

Working with Energy in the Mystery School Traditions

In the Hermetic principles practiced in the Mystery School traditions, there is the saying: "As above, so below, as within, so without". In simple terms, this means that there is a deep connection between our inner and outer worlds. Putting that in practice, it would mean that we can improve our outward manifestations and enjoyment of the world if our inner world is less chaotic and more peaceful.

This is not a saying that lays blame or accusations. Rather it is a saying that seeks to empower every individual – no matter where we are in life or what we might be afflicted with, things can always improve if we make the right choices and take the right actions for ourselves.

Everyone has a different journey in life and there is no need to compare or compete. However, we can always improve our situation no matter what. Sometimes, it can be as simple as a mindset shift. However, at times, we may need a little help to shift in the right direction and this is where some ancient modalities and tools which work with our energetic structures could help.

Ensofic Ray Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese word that translates to ”divinely guided life force energy”. Rei means “God’s Wisdom or Higher Power” while Ki meaning “life force energy.” Gentle but powerful, it does not seek to impose or force. Rather, it works in line with the client’s higher good, physically, mentally, emotionally or otherwise. The Reiki energy has a high intelligence and will go where it is needed.  Reiki is a complementary therapy that can work alongside medical professionals to ease side effects and promote the body’s own innate ability to recover.

In a Reiki session, the client will be lying down and is welcomed to rest or even fall asleep while the Reiki does its healing magic through the hands of the practitioner. The treatment consists of a number of hand positions across the client’s body. It has minimal physical contact and the healing is flowed rather than applied.

Given its gentleness, it is a non-intrusive modality that can calm the nervous system, slow down the mind, create space for clarity and centredness. For those with anxiety, including that caused by ADHD, this can be a very nurturing and helpful support alongside medical intervention.


Energy Clearing

In modern day science and medicine, there is a tendency for approaches to ailments to be siloed. We separate out physical issues, mental health concerns, emotional upheaval into neat little boxes when in reality, everything is linked. One thing affects the next and all things are connected.

In conjunction with professional medical advice, anyone suffering from depression, anxiety or the side effects of conditions such as ADHD or autism can possibly benefit from energy clearing work to move stuck energy from their energetic systems.

Our energy bodies such as the aura and the soul are expansive. As such, our thoughts and emotions reflect the vibration in our fields and when we learn how to keep them clear and balanced we feel better and more balanced inside.

The Shamanic Aura Clearing is a deep clearing of the aura and body and helps to release negative energy on many levels. The Aura surrounds the physical body, constituting an electromagnetic field that encompasses our life force energy. Comprising 7 distinct layers, each correlates with one of the 7 chakras in our chakra system, possessing a unique frequency. The seamless flow of energy through these layers is crucial for our overall well-being.

In general, the Shamanic Aura Clearing can provide a sense of relief, hope and lightness, promote more positive thoughts, aid with better sleep, boost energy levels and give greater clarity.

Sometimes, certain traumatic events in our lives hold us back from progressing. We get stuck in what has happened to us and every decision and action is consciously or unconsciously affected or tainted. This stagnation can lead to depression and / or anxiety. Sometimes,  while we want to move on, part of us is still somehow connected to the negative experience.

What can really help in situations like this is a Negative Cord Cut and energy reset. The purpose of a cord cut is to clear the energy field of stagnation and negative emotional attachments to past experiences. Cord-cuttings help us to return our energy to ourselves so we can have more clarity, feel lighter, and have more energy to make the changes we need in life.

The cord-cutting ceremony and clearing are done standing up. The practitioner will be using a tool called an athame for the cord cut. It is a clearing tool and the negative cords will be absorbed into an incense stick which then gets burned, transmuting all the negativity through the alchemy of fire.

In the second part of the session you can then receive the purification by light in which the practitioner will use sage, holy water and a series of Mantras to clear your energy field and aura such that your field is full of light and brightness.


There is no prize for guessing that a regular meditation practice will be helpful for anyone suffering from mental health issues. It can also be helpful for those who suffer from anxiety as a result of ADHT and/or autism.

The Modern Mystery School teaches various techniques of meditation such as the sanctuary meditation which helps us to connect with our higher selves and seek guidance from within and the Max Meditation System™ which, among other things, declutters the thoughts and brings us to inner peace.  The Max Meditation System™ is a simple and effective way to meditate. Beginning with a relaxation segment that deeply relaxes all parts of the body, thereby preparing the individual to reap the benefits of slowing down. There will also be a visualisation exercise to create space between our emotions and our actions.

While the benefits of regular meditation are manifold, it can sometimes be challenging for people to focus and quiet the mind. This is when energy clearing sessions and/or Reiki can be utilised to clear, heal or calm first, helping one to then have the focus, discipline and desire to foster a regular meditation practice that can lead to far ranging improvements.

The Life Activation

Activations differ from healing sessions, as they are designed to activate dormant aspects of our being, in accordance with the true ways of spiritual progression. They are powerful and wonderfully beneficial for everyone including those who suffer from neurological and developmental conditions such as ADHT and the effects of depression and/ anxiety.

Once reserved only for high initiates of the ancient mystery schools, the Life Activation opens up our awareness of our true nature and make way for a fuller expression of our gifts, power and light in all aspects of our lives. The light they bring to all aspects of our being is incredibly healing – mind, body and soul.

This is a session that is designed to benefit all humans no matter where they are in life. Using an ancient protocol that has remained unchanged through the ages, the practitioner utilises a crystal wand to light up dormant DNA within our system to wake us up to our true selves with a far deeper connection to the divine.

Given the power it has to awaken, rejuvenate, heal, energise, clear and revitalise, we recommend everyone to start with the Life Activation before other healing sessions or classes. That said, it might also be that you need a healing to support you first. Speak to us at Incentre and we will be more than happy to listen, assist and recommend according to your concerns.

Empower Thyself Class and Initiation

This is a class and initiation that is called exactly what it delivers! It hands down teachings and rituals that truly empowers you by helping you to truly know yourself. It is only when you truly know yourself (or are on the path of getting to know yourself) that you can make the decisions that truly serve you.

The clarity that it brings is like someone has suddenly turned on the lights in a dark room. It shows you where you need to make changes for yourself and equips you with the tools that you need to make those changes. (Don’t worry, it won’t leave you hanging!)

These unique teachings have been passed from teacher to student for over 3000 years, while much of the wisdom goes back 8000 years to the time of Hermes.  By going back to the source of the knowledge, you will gain a complete and deep understanding of these teachings.

Every Master of Light has received this initiation at some point, as it is the ancient method used to anchor more light into your structure, creating self-awareness, expansion and an increased sense of perception. This is a safe way to progress on your spiritual path, as we let light in gradually.

The initiation and the tools handed down guide and help us to work through each of our challenges so that we can surmount, master and transcend, enabling us to live life alive and in joy no matter what we face.

While it does not promise you a problem free life, (no one can promise this), it does provide the tools to not just survive or cope but to truly progress and improve from where you were before. It isn’t a short term “feel good” thing. It is genuine transformation.

In a nutshell

All of the tools, healings, activations and clearings as shared above can benefit everyone. That said, they can be immensely supportive as complementary therapies, alongside professional medical intervention, for those suffering from mental health conditions as a result of neurological and developmental conditions such as ADHT and autism or mental health conditions in general.



The importance of Ancestral Healing

The importance of Ancestral Healing

Grace Hui for Incentre

Nowadays, it is generally uncomfortable for us to accept the possibility that trauma or karma could be passed down. Yet, look at the patterns within families that somehow replicate. This could be patterns of behaviour or even mirroring life events that occur as a result of ingrained feelings or patterns of behaviour.

Often, these patterns of behaviour are unconsciously replicated, even if they are to our detriment.  Do you notice certain patterns that your parents replicate from their parents? And, in the same vein, we find ourselves replicating?

So, why do we repeat them even when we can see from our parents that it didn’t work out very well for them when they did the same thing?

A Deeper Understanding of Love

A Deeper Understanding of Love

Grace Hui for Incentre

Love is the driver humanity’s most selfless acts. We sacrifice in the name of love. We perform feats of courage and surmount seemingly unsurmountable obstacles motivated by love. Yet, Love remains something that words fail to fully describe. Yes, we can describe the actions that love drives us to do, but language somehow falls short when it comes to explaining what love actually is.

As humans, we know that we want to be loved. We also know that we want to love in return. All religions, philosophy, customs and cultures talk about love. There is the love that a parent feels for a child, globally exemplified by the bond between a mother and her child. Then, there is romantic love, encapsulated by millions of poems, songs and letters time immemorial.  We feel safer knowing that we are loved but we also fear what love can bring  hurt and pain.

We know about love and popular culture across the ages has certainly given us a lot of opinions about love. But yet, what it truly is remains somewhat a mystery.

Is it a feeling? Is it something that transcends time and space? Is love a force for good or is it a force to be feared?

The answer to this is that it depends on what one’s relationship with love is.

Why Meeting in Person and being in Community is a good thing

Why Meeting in Person and being in Community is a good thing

Grace Hui for Incentre

In the Mystery School traditions, the vast majority of our classes and healing sessions are done face to face. With the advancement of technology, we have been frequently asked why we couldn’t do these classes or sessions online?

As humans, we are far more than just our physical bodies. Our physical bodies are just one aspect of us. Our energy body surrounds our physical body and is in fact much larger than our physical bodies. If we tune into it, we can all feel it too. Our physical bodies are what we need to live on earth. However, when we die, it is our energy that continues to live on. Our energetic structure therefore has a profound effect on our physical bodies. By and large, energy is felt and sensed and this is much easier felt and sensed in person. Energy communicates in person and not online. This is why when working with energy, this has to be done in-person even if logically, it might seem more efficient to work online.

Why living in line with the Hermetic Principles is good for everyday life

Why living in line with the Hermetic Principles is good for everyday life

Grace Hui for Incentre

One of the oft cited misnomers of the modern day life is that we are somehow perfect the way we are. I have news for you. We are not! And saying that we are not is not meant to demean or put down because no one is ever perfect and that is OK! It is in fact extremely empowering because we can be better every single day! We learn from our imperfections! As Sovereign Ipsisimus Dave Lanyon of the Modern Mystery says: “You are not perfect the way you are. It is in trying to be perfect that you are perfect”. Ipsisimus Dave has written a book on this with practical tips on how to live life, incidentally called “You are not perfect the way you are”.

We are all warriors within our own lives and whether we want to wage a battle in integrity with ourselves and be victorious depends on how must effort we put into knowing ourselves truly. For those who want to embrace this, Ipsisimus Dave has also written “Essential Principles for the Warrior of Light”.

Six truths about the Occult that are rarely known

Six truths about the Occult that are rarely known

 Grace Hui and Cécile Tanmaya for Incentre

The word “occult” has taken on a wide range of meaning these days. To some, it is a word that sparks “fear”, and yet for others, it is a word that inspires curiosity. But what does the “Occult” actually mean?

Some think that the occult is spells, charms and magic – something out of this world. But in truth, the word “occult” translates to mean “ that which is hidden”. The journey to discover “hidden knowledge” is the practice of the occult. 

So, what are the six truths about the Occult that are rarely known?

Why is living a high vibration life good for us

Why is living a high vibration life good for us

Grace Hui for Incentre

People often talk about how certain individuals, spaces, events or situations are “high vibration “while other individuals, spaces, events or situations are “low vibration”. In these contexts, it is generally accepted that it is more desirable and better for us to live “high vibration” lives. However what does vibration actually mean?

Healing childhood trauma with energy healing

Grace Hui for Incentre

Modern research and studies have shown that traumatic events that happen in our childhoods can have a significant impact on our adult lives. The painful experiences and relationships that were experienced as children, if unrealised and unhealed, can affect how we navigate life and our decision making as adults.

Given its potential far ranging impact, it is important for us to acknowledge this, become aware of our own unprocessed traumas and take responsibility to heal and transcend so that we do not become a prisoner of our pain but overcome so that we can become masters of our destiny

What does unhealed childhood trauma manifest as?

Childhood trauma can remain unhealed because we are perhaps unaware of just how deep an impact it has on our lives, or are unwilling to acknowledge it, or are resistant to taking responsibility for healing from it.

The effects of childhood trauma can be subtle but deep, asserting control over many facets of our lives without us even realising it. It can keep us living in fear as opposed to fully embracing life and living free as our true selves.

Do we make decisions out of fear of pain? Do we keep ourselves small because we are trying to avoid pain? Are we limiting how we live life because we are afraid of past experiences repeating? Are we forfeiting our dreams and desires because we are too scared of something we cannot even fathom?

Do we get triggered by seemingly benign statements or do we react excessively to the remarks and actions of others, some of whom we don’t even know? Are we unable to let go of seemingly small things or do we lash out disproportionately?

What does a spiritual awakening feel like and how ancient mystery school teachings can help

Cecile Tanmaya and Grace Hui for Incentre

Becoming aware

A spiritual awakening comes from the (sometimes sudden) realisation and understanding that as humans, we are spirit. It is not an intellectual understanding but rather a felt experience. It is a deep knowing that we are all able to tap into the divine and live expansive lives. in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we do often get distracted and can sometimes forget our extremely powerful spiritual sides, and these abilities become dormant.

However, just because they lie dormant does not mean that they do not exist. If we become aware and choose to take action to work with our innate abilities in alignment with our true purpose, we can all be powerful beings able fulfil our purpose in life and live as our higher selves.

If you are reading this article, chances are, you have already become more spiritually aware. On some level , you sense, that you are more than this physical body and that somehow, some way, you are connected to and part of something far bigger than the individual. This may even feel more like home than the physical world to you.

Signs that you are having a spiritual awakening

The term "psychic" has been used frequently to describe people who have certain gifts or talents to know, predict and/or understand certain things about events and people that the "average" or "normal" person is unable to. Depending on who you ask and at different points in time, these so-called "psychics" have either been revered or reviled. Psychics have also been at various points in history, feared or prosecuted.

In our modern day and age, the general public tends to view this apparent phenomenon with a mix of curiosity or skepticism and for the believers, some have even become "addicted" to psychics, consulting these "experts" on everything.

Without knocking those who claim that they have "psychic" ability, my experience from working with people is that we ALL have psychic abilities. We are ALL more than just our physical bodies and we are ALL connected to the greater whole. The question is not whether we have such abilities, but rather, whether we are aware of it.

One example I often use to illustrate this statement is that collectively as a society we spend a lot of time and energy on avoiding judgement from others. We buy cars, clothes, make-up etc.. sometimes not because we like them but because of how we want to be perceived or sometimes because we want to avoid judgment.

But judgment is not a physical thing? And yet many go through great lengths to avoid it. Why? Because we are all psychic and can "feel" judgment and "thoughts" from others.

Interestingly when we are going through a spiritual awakening one of the symptoms is that we become less interested in simply living our life to avoid societal judgment. As our spiritual self develops we are guided by a deeper knowing. A knowing that transcends these societal structures and asks us to live our lives more in alignment with who we are.

Sometimes the spiritual awakening can be coupled with anxiety or despair. Because on some level we realise we have to let go of our old identities but they no longer serve us. We might not have the tools or the strength yet to stand in alignment with the new understanding of who we are. When we learn to navigate this period though it can be a catalyst for great change and a much better life. A life lived in alignment with the true self is very much worth living - even though at first there might be moments of letting go which require us to review learned beliefs and cultural conditioning. Once we pass through that, we come out much stronger and can truly flow the light to ourselves and others.

Many people that we work with at INCENTRE who are going through a spiritual awakening or kundalini awakening observe changes such as:

  • a different awareness of the self and the world around them

  • a questioning of one's identity and current personality/learned behaviours

  • a desire to realign to a higher purpose

  • challenging or new sensations such as changes in temperature, or buzzing/tingling sensations

  • a connection (sometimes fuzzy or unclear) to an inner or outer guidance but hesitancy around that

  • a desire to impact the world positively, a sense that you have a mission to fulfill here

  • anxiety and sensitivity to energy

  • moments of greater clarity sometimes followed by confusion

  • greater sensitivity to harsh environments, busy places, judgments from others

  • greater sensitivity to the pain in the world and a desire to do something about it

  • increased psychic senses

  • moments of intense joy/bliss followed by lows

  • strong emotions or emotional states with strong swings

  • a heightened intuition and intuitive insights

If you have observed some or several of these changes within yourself, it is a sign that you are going through a form of spiritual awakening also sometimes called kundalini awakening. There is often also a deepening Sense of Self-Honesty and Personal Responsibility which is key in this period of growth.

What is a kundalini awakening and what happens during a kundalini awakening?

Kundalini awakening has often been described as awakening to your life force and consciousness as a human being. Imagery of a coiled snake springing into action is often used to depict this awakening. Perhaps, it can best be explained as the time when one understands that he or she is expansive and part of the wider cosmos of life - a force that allows you to have vitality in life and to experience life fully alive.

Signs of a Kundalini awakening have been described as a sense of great vitality - a feeling of great energy and passion as well as states of ecstasy. Some have also described physical sensations such as heat, a tingling on the spine or a surge of power in their spine which then flows to the rest of the body.

During a Kundalini awakening our emotions and thoughts as well as belief systems are often going through a transformation. You are preparing to co-create in a different way with the universe and your awareness will shift during this period.

Connection to the Divine and developing a spiritual practice

How then do we safely connect to spirit and harness our spiritual connection? This often at first happens spontaneously. There is an awakening, a transformative experience after which we cant really that we have seen the world differently. This can come from a sudden experience such as an accident, birth or experience in meditation or yoga. At that point we have a choice, to continue as it was or to explore further.

This mystical experiences we also sometimes call self-initation as they are the first step on the path of spiritual progression.

Many times a spiritual awakening is coupled with an awakening of the psychic senses. So we at times find that the world becomes "loud" and we can find it challenging to navigate social situations. Generally there is often more sensitivity and that is a good thing! Because in fact we all are extremely sensitive beings, we have just learned how to "dumb" down our senses so that we can manage to live in a world where so many inputs come at us on many different levels.

This is why many spiritual paths of awakening emphasise a period of deepening the spiritual connection "in the cave" as it were or in other worlds in places that are remote from the human every day life.

However, not all spiritual paths require us to live a life where we give up being part of society. In fact many of the ancient mystery traditions encourage the weaving of the spiritual world into society. Can you stay calm and centered in the market place? Are you able to spend time with your familly of birth without being triggered? These are all indications of a spiritual practice that is lived in every day life.

The ancient Mystery School traditions were designed to offer a spiritual path of progression to support those who choose to walk a path spiritual awakening. On this path we often awaken our gifts and purpose in alignement with a higher light or higher virbation. Through a daily spiritual practice we can learn tools that connect us to the spiritual self daily and thus lessen the illusion of the limitations to the physical.

The masters of Light, whose legacies have endured and whose work have bore fruit for the progression of humanity have walked a path of spiritual enlightenment. Such a path differs from religion as it is designed to awaken our divine nature and to guide us to connect directly to the divine so that we can embody the divine through our spiritual practice in every day life.

What is the Path of Progression and why does it matter?

Know Thyself - that is the path of progression that is available to those who want to seek in more depth, those who seek to remember their purpose. Without truly knowing ourself, we can never truly serve ourselves or others so it all starts with that. It is easier said than done though.

When we know ourself our inner compass is active. We can receive clarity and take actions that are based on what best serves us and what best helps us to fulfil our divine purpose in life. True power comes from the point of understanding where what best serves us and the fulfilment of our divine purpose are in full alignment.

While this might sound entirely logical on paper, the human ego makes this pretty much impossible to navigate without the support of a path that takes us to the places we would otherwise avoid.

For example, our unhealed traumas might unwittingly influence our perceptions and affect our ability to see reality for what it is. If we are unable to see and accept reality for what it is, we have no hope of ever improving things.

We are all connected and all of our choices and decisions feed into the collective whole. In the ancient mystery school traditions we learn to use rituals and ceremonies that support us daily to stay in the flow of the light so that we can stay balanced and bring positivity to the fields we operate in.

You can learn to strenghten your energetic structure so that you can stand in the market place with your spiritual senses open and stay centered and balanced. That is the purpose of the mystery school teachings.

At INCENTRE we teach you tools from ancient mystery traditions that support you in realigning and rebalancing your energy structure. The focus is on you learning how to do it so you are empowered. 

These teachings and tools come from an ancient lineage - the Hermetic lineage which is also called the King Solomon Lineage.

How to become more emotionally balanced in a spiritual awakening

In the mystery traditions the Life Activation is highly recommended for those seeking a spiritual awakening or seeking to navigate one with more balance. This sessions rebalances all of our energy bodies so that we can restore our connection with the divine. It helps to rebalance emotions and thoughts. It also activates dormant DNA which reestablishes our connection with our divine blueprint.

The next step on the path is the Empower Thyself Class and Initiation. In this two-day class and initiation, your teacher will hand down rituals and teachings that will enable you to work with your own energy structure to bring down and anchor more light into your structure. This provides sharper clarity and illumination, helping you to truly see yourself, your gifts and what you need healing from and what actions you need to take. It empowers one with greater strength and courage in alignment with who we truly are.

This class also gives you tools to protect and strenghten your energy field. This can be of great support for people who are going through a spiritual awakening as you learn how to deal with the experiences you are having in a positive way.

From the perspective as a awakened person working to truly know yourself provides us with a solid framework to improve our lives. We will be able to take better decisions for ourselves, uninfluenced by the perspectives of others or the expectations of others. We will be able to clearly see that what works for someone else might not necessarily work for us and vice versa and recognise that this is perfectly ok and as it should be. After all, we all have difference purposes and different missions to fulfil.

The Power and Support of a true ancient Lineage - How to work with us

Nowadays, there are many "spiritual reawakening" options available. How do we know which is right for us? The answer lies in the fruit. Does what you do bear fruit? Are you living in joy? Do you have mastery over your emotions and feelings? Can you recognise reality for what it is? Are you balanced or are you ruled by your own triggers and emotions? Are you moving forward or stagnating?

An ancient lineage is one that does not impart "new age" thinking. Rather, it imparts wisdom that is backed by a lineage that goes back for thousands of years. At INCENTRE we are trained by the Modern Mystery School in the lineage of King Solomon. Sacred knowledge and tools have been handed down by teacher to student in an oral tradition that has been unbroken since ancient days - Ancient hermetic teachings that predates religion with principles that are the foundations of life on earth itself. It is unswayed by whether we like it or not nor does it bend to our feelings or emotions - it just is.

It is a path of progression and a path of joy - a way to live life alive while serving others without getting dragged down.

If you would like to find out more about how these ancient teachings can help you navigate the ups and downs of a spiritual awakening or kundalini awakening you are very welcome to reach out.

Alternatively, many also seek support from us because they feel stuck and feel like they are lacking the connection to the spiritual. These ancient practices help us both in stabilising a spiritual awakening or connecting more deeply with the spiritual.

The structure of the teaching make this a very safe and held process. It helps to release unwanted emotions and to focus the mind on creating with purpose and joy.

Once we are awakened and we see where we need to heal, we do need to take ownership for our healing. We cannot remain victims to our past. Otherwise, we will not be able to develop our psychic powers or build our spiritual muscles in any meaningful way. Awakening without taking responsibility can lead to remaining in victimhood instead of transcendence and mastery.

Some simple practices you can use everyday to support you in your healing:

  • Gratitude journal: take time out every day to recognise and appreciate what you can be grateful for in your life. This will help you appreciate what you already have achieved within yourself and is soo important

  • Differentiate between nescessary (good) and un-nescessary suffering: sometimes we have to make hard choices and apply ourselves to get out of the comfort zone (thats nescessary suffering for growth). However, we often choose to cling to things that dont serve us therefore creating un-nescessary suffering.

  • Move the body in a joyful way

  • Take time out to connect to your senses by using essential oils, observing beauty in flowers or just enjoying a massage

  • Remember that this is a natural process and we all naturally have the ability to open up more to our spiritual gifts

You would expect to see meditation in the list above. We of course see meditation as a very powerful and healing practice but some times the people we work with at first struggle with meditation. It is much easier to practice meditation with the right tools (see below).

A spiritual awakening can be blissful and loving. It can also be coupled with discomfort and anxiety as we learn to navigate a new perception of the world around us.

A spiritual awakening is much more than having strong feelings or opinions about various topics, feeding those feelings into the collective and letting the feelings and opinions of others further confuse matters. While you may have recognised our abilities to tap into the collective, confusing feelings or opinions for reality creates drama which serves absolutely no one. This sort of "awakening" is entirely disempowering.

Recognising and working with your psychic abilities comes with responsibility - Responsibility to self and responsibility to others.

As Spider Man says: With great power comes great responsibility" and as we individually awaken and recognise our power, we have to take responsibility so that we grow always in alignment with the light.

To those who choose to use their power selfishly or to do harm to others will always end up disempowering themselves.

As we heal and grow, we also have to help others to awaken and heal. As we shine our lights, a deep desire awakens within us to help others to ignite their own and shine too. After all, if everyone reawakened and took ownership of their own issues and problems, we would have peace on earth!

Cecile, Grace and the INCENTRE team

Please feel free to contact us with questions at: or by using the form below.

Does Magick exist and how is it Relevant for our Lives?

Does Magick exist and how is it Relevant for our Lives?

Grace Hui and Cecile Tanmaya for Incentre

Magic has captured the imagination of humanity since the beginning of time. From ancient cave
paintings to folklore to modern day stories such as Harry Potter, the idea of magic has endured
and is still very much alive today - While our modern day thinking views magic as a concept consigned to fairy tales, mythology and human invention, magic was very much a part of the human existence in ancient traditions. Is it a coincidence that the idea of magic is still very much alive?

Demystifying the Myths of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine

Demystifying the Myths of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine

Grace Hui and Cecile Tanmaya for Incentre

Not to be confused with male versus female, divine feminine and masculine energies can be accessed by all of us, and part of the spiritual path is getting them into a state of balance, both within ourselves and externally. Read here what constitutes each of these energies, and exactly why Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies are.

Energy Cleansing and how it can reset your Life

Energy Cleansing and how it can reset your Life

Grace Hui and Cecile Tanmaya for Incentre
At times we can feel like we are at the end of a cycle, maybe the end of a relationship or the beginning of a new chapter   in   our life. In those moments we may find ourselves drawn to renewal, to recreating ourselves. However, the energy that we maintain, create and emit to the world around us directly affects our success in achieving what we truly desire.

The Flower of Life and the Secrets it holds to Life on Earth

Grace Hui for Incentre

The Flower of Life is one of the most recognised symbols in Sacred Geometry. It adorns jewelry, clothes, tattoos and other modern accessories. While many generally know that it is a symbol of protection and associate it with good luck, its ancient roots and the true power behind it are not as well known.

Dealing with pain and ego on the spiritual path

Dealing with pain and ego on the spiritual path

Grace Hui for Incentre

Spiritual Ego?

In my own path of progression, I have definitely fallen into the trap of not feeling worthy of sharing the tools that I have been so privileged to have been handed down with others because I have been so enmeshed in the stresses of life. In those times, I have desperately wished those pains away instead of using the tools and trusting the process. By believing that I cannot share my light if there are unresolved ongoing problems in my life is an illusion created by my ego and realising this has been illuminating in my own growth. 

Everyone has problems and no one is perfect. As Sovereign Ipsisimus Dave Lanyon of the Modern Mystery School so aptly says : “You are not perfect the way you are”, going on to explain that no one is perfect and that the only time we are perfect is when we are seeking perfection. This is not meant to be a criticism or a put down. Rather, it is about seeing and accepting reality for what it is. Human beings are not perfect but we can always improve and if we stay in the illusion that imperfection is somehow an impediment to service or growth is what ironically stops our growth. 

It is our imperfection and our ability to accept this and to grow from it that is genuine progression. 

I was under the impression that ego was about showing off and believing that one was better than another. Upon realising that inherent feelings of unworthiness are also a part of my ego too was the most liberating self-awareness. 

If I am unable to serve because I am imperfect, then no one can because guess what? No one is perfect! Serving through imperfection and accepting my imperfections while trusting the process and improving is how we transcend the present pain. 

By hiding, I am serving no one, least of all myself. By believing that I couldn’t serve because I had problems, I was remaining stuck in my pain (which could lead to suffering).

In pretending and therefore repressing pain is what leads to suffering. In hiding in the pain, I was becoming attached to it instead of releasing it which in turn causes suffering!