Energy Cleansing and how it can reset your Life

Grace Hui and Cecile Tanmaya for Incentre

At times we can feel like we are at the end of a cycle, maybe the end of a relationship or the beginning of a new chapter in our life. In those moments we may find ourselves drawn to renewal, to recreating ourselves or clearing negative energy from within ourselves or our space. We may assess the past to see what we have achieved, take stock of what lessons we learnt, what we overcame, what can be improved and what we want for ourselves for the next season.

This might lead us to reflect on why we are (or are not) attracting what we want into our lives. Maybe that is a new relationship, the desire to start a creative project, or change the way we are feeling inside?

What really stops us from living the lives we want? Is it our thoughts? 

Thoughts are of course very important, because it is with thoughts that we can create the shape of what we want, and from that form a plan of how to achieve those desires. From well laid plans we can then take necessary actions to attain what it is that we desire for our highest good and well being.

However, it is the energy that we maintain, create and emit to the world around us that directly affects our success in achieving what we truly desire. After all, as the age old Hermetic saying goes: “As above so below, as within, so without” - in other worlds, your inner world reflects your outer world, and therefore a large part of our success is an inside job.

Kabbalistically speaking, we often refer to the forms needing to be ensouled. While thoughts create the “form” or container for our manifestations, the energy, aliveness and passion for life we have and which are flowing need to “ensoul” these. We also need to take “action” to bring them into physical manifestation.

We can have blockages at different levels of our energy system: In the Aura, the etheric field, the chakras and so on. The type of blockages vary a lot from one person to another, as some of us can feel very comfortable with thinking, but not so willing to explore emotions or vice versa. Some of us might have repressed traumatic experiences that are in our subconscious, or inner child wounding, and a confusion about our true purpose. 

The vibration of our inner and outer environment affects both the quality of our thoughts and of the energy we flow into them. How then, can we harness and work with our own energy so that we can work with the Universe to co-create our future? 

Becoming aware of your own Energy Structure.

As humans we possess many energy bodies around us that can truly serve us if we become aware of them and learn to maintain their health. Our energy bodies, such as the magnetic lines and the Chakras, all play a vital part in connecting us to Spirit and our Higher Selves; the part of us that knows what is truly in our highest goods and the part of us that will help us to reach our fullest potential. 

Becoming aware of these complex but hugely beneficial energy bodies will help us to work with them so as to uncover, unlock and achieve what it is that we are meant to do in this physical life.

Most of us are already aware that we are much more than our physical bodies. We sometimes trust our intuition, rely on our gut feelings and go on a hunch. These are all part of our toolkit to success. However, if we do not really understand what lies within our energy structure and what is the influence of other people's energy, and are unable to discern between what is ours and what is someone else’s, or if we are unable to separate past traumas, negative energies and past relationships from current reality, we will not be able to fully trust our intuition, gut or hunch to make the best decisions for ourselves.

The key to this is to become so well acquainted with all of yourself, which includes your energy, that you will always be able to exercise your discernment wisely and to trust in that. In other words, Know Thyself. 

When you are aware, you can learn where there might be blockages, how to remove those blocks, how to clear negative energy to make way for positive energy in your highest good, and how to maintain energetic health so that your connection to Spirit, your guides and higher self always remains pure, direct and clear. 

What practical steps can we utilise to help us establish and maintain a healthy energy field around us?

When we create a clean and clear space to live and work from, we create the flow and order from where we can properly manifest. This starts with the space in which we live and spend the most time. When we let go of clutter outside of us it also helps us feel lighter and clearer inside. 

If you have not used something for years and years, there is no point holding on to it for the sake of it - clear it out so that you can make space for the new things that are coming into your life. (This does not just apply to physical items, but also to energy in your home that no longer serves you.)

Learn from the fruits! 

If a particular action has not yielded the result you desired, let that particular way of doing things go. As the proverbial saying goes : “Empty your Cup”! This is likely going to be a regular practice in the process of energy healing. Empty your Cup so that you can refill it with new and better ideas and actions, and then do it again with every season. The Kabbalah is a powerful tool to help us with this.

Personal hygiene of your physical body and the hygiene of your space is also something to pay attention to. Respect your vessel and the space you choose to live in. If you don’t choose to maintain your entire body and living space to the highest standards, what message are you sending to the Universe? Have you made yourself worthy to receive?

What tools can you employ to clear the energetic blocks?

There are many ways to clear your space. A combination of these work best.. A powerful combination for unblocking your flow of energy, serving as a vigorous energy cleanser, is the Life Activation Session coupled with the Initiation of Empower Thyself and the Tools from Sacred Geometry 1&2; because these give you the tools to continuously maintain and reset your space. 

Working with crystals, burning sage or incense, toning protective mantras, lighting candles, having a spray bottle for a few drops of essential oils, utilizing positive affirmations, practising ritual work using properly handed down lineage-based rituals, and the use of sacred tools such as bells and meditation: These can all help to clear blocks and maintain your energetic integrity - if done properly, safely and correctly.

The Life Activation

The Life Activation is, in my experience, the most powerful modality to cleanse energy and bring about balance. 

This is a life-changing and sacred ceremony whereby the trained practitioner will, through the use of a crystal wand, activate dormant DNA strands to reconnect you with your Highest Self. This aura cleansing ritual also clears out from within your energy structure all that no longer serves you, eradicating old patterns. 

The results of this session will last a lifetime, and is truly an amazing way to empower oneself to work powerfully with his or her own energy without relying on anything external.

Learn more about Life Activation here.


Initiation is a powerful and ancient ceremony that used to be reserved for high priests or priestesses. 

In the process of initiation more light is anchored to the receiver. This light increases the flow of light through the chakra system - you can think of it like an increase of the container of light in the crown that flushes through the whole chakra system, the third eye, the throat, the heart and the lower chakras. Through this increase in flow, blockages and obstructions are cleared and brought to the light to be resolved.
Once this additional light flow is integrated it also creates a new foundation or way of living from which we can create with more clarity and strength in alignment   with  our own power. 

Often we don’t realise that we are giving our power away to other people or relying on others for strength subconsciously. By sourcing our strength from our own connection to the light we create a new and empowered foundation of independence.

Learn more about Empower Thyself here.

Utilising Sacred Geometry

In conjunction with the use of crystal grids, you can also learn how to work with the 3 basic shapes of creation: These can protect your space without you needing to continuously tone, chant or pray. Once set up, their protective power is charged and remains in place unless moved.

The sacred basic shapes of the triangle, Square and circle (in 2-D) and the Pyramid, Cube and Sphere (in 3-D), can cut through the density of physicality to establish our connection to the divine. Working with these shapes properly allows us to create sacred space wherever we are. These tools are shared in the Sacred Geometry 1 class.

Learn more about Sacred Geometry here.

Working with Crystals

This is a very broad topic which can form the basis of its own separate article. In a nutshell however, crystals have many wonderful properties that provide us with support. Often, they are healing and are powerful protectors. However, it is important to source your stones from reputable suppliers to ensure that they have been properly cared for and handled to maximise your results with them. 

Secondly, it would serve better to learn about crystals and how to work with them from a properly  trained teacher. In this day and age, there are many “Google taught experts” who may not truly understand crystals even if they may have good intentions. 

In the Mystery School traditions, how to create crystal grids, how to work with specific crystals for healing, support and protection are all handed down directly from teacher to student in a way that has worked unchanged for thousands of years. These tools are shared in Sacred Geometry 2. 

Negative Cord Cuts

This is such a useful and effective way to remove the energetic cords formed through a negative experience with a person or situation.

Given that our energetic fields often overlap, we sometimes pick up energy from others from which cords form. These negative cords can sometimes leave us feeling drained, anxious, confused or stuck. 

In the Modern Mystery School, trained and certified practitioners perform cord cuts to ensure that this negativity is removed and redirected to the light. Through the use of sacred tools such as Arthames and Purbhas plus the use of incense and following a fixed protocol, receiving a cord cut is like an energetic reset.

Purification by Light

Like the negative cord cut, this is a ritual which can only be performed by trained and certified practitioners. This is a beautiful ceremony which, through the ritual use of mantras and prayers literally sends light into your energetic structure. 

The light is so powerful and illuminating that your energy structure is not just cleansed, but purified!

Burning Sage/ Palo Santo

It is generally known that the smoke from burning sage works as a simple but effective way to clear out energy. For example, if you have had a huge party or guests stay and after they leave, you may wish to burn a little sage to ensure that all the energy that is not yours is cleared from your space. This is not to say that your friends or family have bad energy but simply that in order to truly work with your own energy, it is better not to be distracted by the energies of others. Burning Palo Santo, or Holy Wood, also works in a similar fashion.

It is important to note that the burning of sage to clear energy is one that has to be done regularly. While useful and effective in clearing space, the integrity of that energy can only be maintained on a more permanent basis if we also work on strengthening our own energy fields. We need to take responsibility for our own thoughts and actions in conjunction with burning sage etc.

Put it this way, the more connected you are to your higher self, the higher your vibration and as a consequence of that, the stronger your energy. In other words, the healthier your energy is, the less there is to clear.

Spritzing your aura and space with Space Clearing Sprays

This can be a quick and effective way to reset energy. Like the burning of sage, this can work well at cleansing energy but will need to be done very regularly. 

It is also important to pay attention to where it is that you are actually buying these products from. Anyone can make and market these products so it is good practice to buy from a trusted and reliable maker, someone who is making them in accordance with ancient traditions known to truly work.

And just as set out above, the higher your own frequency, the less you will need to clear. Ultimately, we have the power to maintain the highest energy for ourselves without needing to fear negativity. 

Protective Prayers and Mantras

All the ancient Mystery School traditions have long utilised prayer and mantras for clearing and protection which has seeped into religion and which are still being practice till this very day.  An example would be the incense used at church to sanctify the space and the reading of the Lord’s Prayer.

In the Mystery School traditions, we utilise the Prayer of Protection and Om Mani Padme Hum, among others. These when said and toned continuously are powerful means to clear and protect space.

In a nutshell

There are many ways to clear your space, and effectively these work best in combination. A powerful combination for unblocking your flow of energy is the Life Activation Session coupled with the Initiation of Empower Thyself and the Tools from Sacred Geometry 1&2. These give you the tools to continuously maintain and reset your space without needing to rely on anything external. Make sure to contact INCENTRE today, to book these sessions and change your life through clearing your space and soul.