Does Magick exist and how is it Relevant for our Lives?

Grace Hui and Cecile Tanmaya for Incentre

Magic has captured the imagination of humanity since the beginning of time. From ancient cave paintings to folklore to modern day stories such as Harry Potter, the idea of magic has endured and is still very much alive today. 

While our modern day thinking views magic as a concept consigned to fairy tales, mythology and human invention, magic was very much a part of the human existence in ancient traditions.

Is that such a stretch?

After all, is it a coincidence that the idea of magic is still very much alive? Why has Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings generated a multi-million dollar franchise ranging from books to movies to theme parks, to toys to plays? 

The skeptic might argue that the belief in magic is ignorant, that it is too good to be true. However, is that maybe just a defensive mechanism developed by humanity out of fear of being disappointed? So great is the fear of disappointment that we have forgotten that to be alive is magic in itself. There are also signs of magic everywhere!

From the birth of a child to the blooming of the flowers to the changing of the seasons – Magic is very much alive and thriving! The existence and survival of humanity is in itself, Magic!

You see, magic isn’t about waving a magic wand, booms and sparkles. It is in the daily miracles of life that we experience and that we each have the power to weave and wield if we only truly understood our divinity and true will.

What is Magick and why does it have a “k”?

Magick is the essential method for a person to reach true understanding of the self and to act according to one's true will, which is the reconciliation between freewill and destiny.

There is a great deal of misconception surrounding the term “magic”. The human mind conjures up a man in a robe pulling a rabbit out of a hat or pulling a coin out from behind someone’s ear. There is an illusionary aspect of magic whereby the wonder these “tricks” create separates us from the reality of magick in our day to day lives. 

Magick is transformation – changing nothing into something or something into something else. A very practical day to day example of magic is that of cooking. Yet, even as we perform this daily task, we think it as mundane as opposed to a living example of transformation. 

While the modern day English spelling of Magic does not have a “k”, the “k” is extremely important. Magick is "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will" and adding a 'k' to it distinguishes ceremonial or ritual magic from mere stage magic. In other words, magick is not about tricks or sensationalism. Rather, the “k” denotes the keys that a successful magician in alignment with the light holds. 

The practice of Magick is both an art and a science. There are principles of magick which are precise and set - the same way like mathematical formulas. However, it also involves the expression of true will, which is like an art.

It is important to note that the practice of Magick has rules and fixed way of doing things. It is not “a free form whatever u like new age thing”. 

To practice Magick, one needs to understand their true desire which stems from their true self and from that understanding, direct their true will to it with discipline and mastery. It is not a feeling and just having positive thoughts about it or visualisation will never be enough. These things alone will never get you there.

Types of Magick

There are many types of magicks ranging from Egyptian Ceremonial Magick; Viking, Nordic and Welsh Traditions; Celtic, African and Native American Shamanism, as well as paganism and Wicca. There is also Elemental Magick, Enochian Magick and Goethian Magick.


Universal Magick is one of the highest forms of Ceremonial and High Magick on the planet today. It is the language of creation and the organisation of the Angelic hosts that may be summoned for the benefit of humanity. In the Modern Mystery School tradition, only the initiated Ritual Master may be permitted to wield this magick and only after extensive training, the highest reverence and humility. 


This is not “low” as in lesser but as in “of the earth”. In this form of magick we work with the shamanic or wiccan tradition and work with the 4 elements. 


Egyptian Magick has been known to be one of the most powerful magicks in our world. The ancient Egyptians lived extraordinary lives, full of abundance, love, passion and great joy. Learning how to work with the deities and rituals of ancient Egypt give great fulfillment and connection to the divine It actually combines High (universal) and Low (Shamanic) Magick. 


These work with the four elements of Air, Water, Fire and Earth and the beings that are associated with the elements such as Dragons, Fairies, Elves, Unicorns, Sylphs and Mermaids.


Dragons are the most ancient beings on the planet. They have been a part of human progression since the dawn of time. Their wisdom is unparalleled and working with them allows us to access the keys to our own evolution.


Fairies and  Elves are beautiful beings who share our planet from beyond the veil. They are joyous beings of light. Connection with their Magick allows us to access the wisdom of joy with a heightened sense of wonder and appreciation of beauty.


Unicorns are here as a part of creating light for humans which can help us cut through the difficulties in our lives. They provide a bridge between us and the other races and magickal beings. 


Mermaid Magick holds the keys to passion. Passion is the energy that heals all apathy and disease and fills us with the energy to create our lives as we dream. They give us access to how to live a deeply fulfilled life.


Sylphs are beings of pure light and working with their Magick gives us the ability to create momentum and flow in our lives. Essentially, their Magick cleanses the mind and lifts the vibration of our thoughts, helping us to communicate all patterns in physical density.

Who can practice Magick?

Every human being has the potential to practice Magick. However, for Magick to truly serve us, it has to be practiced with a true understanding of our will and our purpose. It requires discipline and purity of thought. Otherwise, it could backfire due to limited self-control and limited understanding. This is why Magick has been tied to tradition throughout history and why there are rules for Magicians, a code of conduct to abide by.

The Mystery School traditions have a strict and organised way of handing down the tools to the practice of Magick from student to teacher in- person and directly. Such handing down has the full weight of the lineage behind it.

The purpose of a structured path is to support the magickians to reach a high vibration and connect to the true self thereby overcoming the negative ego. This is a necessary pre-requisite for successful use of high magick. 

People from all over the world are drawn to the mystery and Magick within these schools. Each person comes for different reasons, whether it be for healing, for knowledge, or just curiosity. Whatever it is, the teachings are meant to lead the individual on a path self-discovery, towards knowing themselves. Free from the masks of personality, free from the dramas of life, into a deeper state of mindfulness and awareness. It is within these schools that we study metaphysics, and the art and science of Magick.
The Modern Mystery School lineage teachings of Magick follows a set path of progression that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. This is a path that has been walked by many great masters and is a safe way for the human potential to be harnessed and developed.

It is a path that requires dedication and through it, the emphasis is to truly know thyself, without which, Magick will never really be fully of the light. 

What is Low and High Magick?

There has been some confusion about what these are. Low Magick is not lesser than or less powerful than High Magick and High Magick is not better or more powerful than Low Magick. It is not about status or competition. Nor is one good and the other bad. Rather, the terms “low” and “high” refers to the source of the Magick.

Low Magick is Magick from the earthly realms. Examples of Low Magick are Wicca or Shamanism. Elemental Magick can also be in some instances, be considered Low Magick given that they work with the earthly elements of earth, water, air and fire. 

High Magick is Universal Magick. Its practice involves working with beings that go beyond the earthly realm. An example of High Magick is Enochian Magick. It can be described as summoning, controlling and working with the powers of the Universe to do service to God and Humans alike. 

In a nutshell, high magic traditionally refers to ceremonial magic, cosmic magic, universal magic, astrological magic, while low magic is folk magic centred upon the land and its spirits. 

What is Ceremonial or Ritual Magick?

Ceremonial Magick, also known as Ritual Magick, is a highly disciplined form of Magick in which ceremony and ritual become the central tools used in the magical operation. Ceremonial Magick centres upon the art of the invocation (or evocation), the art and science of controlling and directing personal and cosmic power for a specific purpose.

The Will is a very important aspect of the practice of Ritual Magick and as such, the practitioner would need to follow a rigorous code of conduct and be of pure mind and action. There are three Wills. – the Will of God, the Will of the Universe, and the Human Will. The goal for any magician is to get to the state where the Will of the human is aligned with the Will of God and the Will of Universe such that they are one and the same. This is the Will from which pure “White Magick” for the highest good of all can be created.

The fruits of a chaotic mind will not be good. This is why all practitioners of Ritual Magick should be initiated into a lineage and follow a path.

The power of Initiation

The Mystery School traditions provide a path of progression through the process of initiation. It is through the process of initiation that our energy structures are able to bring in more light so that we may work with it to fulfil our life's purpose. It is also through the process of initiation that we are able to retain that light and radiate it outwards like a beacon to the world. Through initiation, the negative ego is purified and we are able to work Magick in alignment with the light, without the contamination of projections or personal agendas or traumas. We will be so much more aware of where the pitfalls lie so that we can guard against them and heal. In this way, our Magick is in total service to the light and from where we will have all abundance.

All true magicians have to truly understand and be in alignment with the mind of God.

To understand GOD, we must first understand ourselves who were made in their image. Mystery schools exist to empower us to “Know Thyself“.

Who am I?

  • What am I?

  • Where do I come from?

  • Where am I going?

  • What is my purpose?

Without being on the path of knowing yourself, it will be impossible to practice pure white Magick.

The Path of the Ritual Master

This is the path of the Warrior of Light who fights shadow in the world by confronting the evil within, while bringing good to the world by developing the good within. As the age old Hermetic principle states “As above, so below, as within, so without.”

As walked by great masters such as Jesus or Joan of Arc this path will take your self-knowledge, understanding of the world, and wielding of Magick to the greatest heights.

The Ritual Master path is one with many obstacles and challenges, testing your resolve while eliminating the negative ego and the shadows of where you may block the light in your own life. The greatest struggle encountered on this path is one where the negative ego battles our own divine nature, and it is in the releasing of that pain that we receive such great revelation.

Ceremonial Magick is an important component of Ritual Mastery. It is the art of summoning, controlling, working with and doing service to the powers of the universe! This is the art of mastering Life, Light and Magick, High Magick, for the benefit of humanity. As a Ritual Master, one must have the authority and lineage to call upon the powers of heaven and thus be in line to work with the powers of the universe. 

This is the only known path that Magick in alignment with the light and the will of God can be practiced – the only way where powerful Magick can be practiced purely as a force for good, untainted by the ego or personal gain.

The Ritual Master Path is very much connected to the ancient traditions of the Cathars, the Knights Templars. It is the path of the Warrior of Light. 

“I am a centre of expression for the primal will to do good which eternally creates and suistains the universe” – truly understanding this and connecting to the true self is the purpose of the Ritual Master Path in the Lineage of King Solomon. 

Those who choose to train as Ritual Masters do so not for their own gain but for higher service.

Where does one start to become a practitioner of Ceremonial Magick

In the King Solomon lineage tradition the first step is to receive a life activation. In this private session you are reconnected to the original blueprint – or light of the self which is held in the Great Central Sun. This starts a process of unfolding and reconnecting to the true self. 

Then in the class Empower Thyself you get handed down the rituals and practices that are designed to support you in connecting you to higher light and your higher self daily. These rituals are a true form of Magick and a combination of Shamanic and Universal Kabbalistic Magick. 

When used daily the rituals will help you create an energy field around you that support you in living in alignment with your true self therefore benefitting everyone around you. They help to overcome negative thought patterns, intrusive thoughts or fears. The rituals can also be used to support in healing emotional patterns and support with manifestation and re-creating your reality. 

To find out more feel free to contact us on We initially suggest a phone conversation or you are welcome to book-in for the life activation session. 

Blessings of light and joy to you and we are grateful that you read this far and are seeking higher light in this way.