The Flower of Life and the Secrets it holds to Life on Earth

The Flower of Life is one of the most recognised symbols in Sacred Geometry. It adorns jewellery, clothes tattoos and other modern accessories. While many generally know that it is a symbol of protection and associate it with good luck, its ancient roots and the true power behind it are not as well known.

What is the Flower of Life and why is it sacred?

Besides being an intricately beautiful symbol, the Flower of Life transcends culture, being found in many ancient traditions ranging from the Egyptians to Buddhism. The oldest known representation of this symbol can be found in the Temple of Osiris which is believed to be about 6000 years old. 

Given that this time frame predates modern technology, the fact that it is found in far flung parts of the world is no coincidence. Within Sacred Geometry lies the structure of all creation in the universe. Indeed, the Flower of Life and the other symbols found within Sacred Geometry powerfully demonstrate the divine order of creation, that there is an awareness and intelligence within the Universe that is compelling. 

Each symbol in Sacred Geometry, including the Flower of Life is built upon a pattern weaved from the 3 basic shapes of the Triangle, the Square and the circle (in 2 dimensions) and the pyramid, the cube and the sphere (in 3 dimensions). Each symbol is highly organised and intentional. In other words, it is not something that was randomly discovered, but rather, the universal language of divine creation which contains the mysteries of all life on earth.

The Flower of Life is made up of 19 overlapping circles that intersect with each other to form flowers. Each circle builds upon the next with each holding a particular meaning, each layer containing the secrets underpinning the cosmos, holding the answers to the mysteries of life and the keys to unlocking powerful hidden knowledge. Indeed, the Flower of Life contains other powerful symbols such as the Vesica Piscis and The Seed of Life. 

Many who study Sacred Geometry believe that the Flower of Life, together with a few other symbols, contain the explanations for the fundamental structure of space and time itself.

While there are a myriad of interpretations for the meaning of the Flower of Life, the key to its enduring relevance to human existence is that it is believed to signify the divine geometric pattern that creates and sustains life on earth. Built into this is the belief that it represents the interconnectedness of all beings. While we are individuals, we are also part of one universal consciousness, each of us reflecting a piece of the puzzle. In other words, we are all interlinked and part of the web of creation.

Understanding and integrating this wisdom is an essential component to creating harmony. Just like the music composer weaves each note into a whole that is pleasing to the ear or the artist masterfully combining each stroke to create a beautiful picture, comprehending that we are all part of a whole will create harmony in the world and we each have a part to play.

If we embodied the meaning of the Flower of Life, we would recognise the divinity of creation within ourselves and within others. So, if we truly recognised that about each other, there would be no war for we are one! And within that oneness, the goal should be to create harmony and not division! A profoundly simple symbol serving as a constant reminder to humanity about  what life should be about.

Besides this key meaning set out above, the Flower of Life is also viewed as a representation of the cycle of life, death and rebirth and the symbol of the divine union of the sacred masculine and sacred feminine, the force of creation on earth. Added to this is its ability, alongside other symbols in Sacred Geometry, to expand and alleviate human consciousness.

The Flower of Life and the Vesica Piscis

The Flower of Life is built upon another symbol within Sacred Geometry, the Vesica Piscis. The Vesica Piscis is made up of two interlocking circles, each of equal diameter, forming a lens. As a piece of trivia, the Vesica Piscis means “fish bladder” in Latin given that the shape resembles that of a fish bladder. 

The Vesica Piscis, with the union of two perfect circles, contains the intelligence of the Universe - its divine blueprint and the polarity of life. In Hermetics, all that exists in this universe subscribes to the law of Polarity. Without polarity, life cannot be sustained on earth. 

The Vesica Piscis has appeared throughout history. It is used in many contexts ranging from architecture to art. Its use is so prevalent that we may have seen it many times but not recognised it for what it is. For example, the mandala that often frames depictions of Mother Mary is the Vesica Piscls.

The Celtic Knot, often seen as a symbol of love, is yet another example of the Vesica Piscls.

The Flower of Life and the Seed of Life

The Seed of Life and its significance in the Flower of Life cannot be underplayed as the Flower of Life is born from the repeated iterations of the Seed of Life. The Seed of Life is made up of 7 circles in total - 6 overlapping circles and one circle in the heart of it all. Because of the significance of the number 7, it being a prime number in the positive integers, 7 is considered a sacred number of deep and profound meaning in mythology, astrology and numerology. The Seed of Life is therefore often called the “Genesis Pattern”.

The number 7 is found throughout many traditions. For example, there are 7 chakras, the 7 biblical days of creation, the colours of the rainbow, the notes on a diatonic musical scale, the 7 days that make up a week, the 7 higher and lower worlds in Hinduism and the 7 Hermetic principles of the Kybalion. The list goes on.

What is Polarity?

The principle of Polarity is one of the 7 basic Hermetic principles which states that everything in the Universe has an opposite. Everything is the perfect expression of its opposite such that the universe is always in balance. All things hold an opposing truth and all of which are true at the same time.

Our human opinions, feelings or thoughts have no bearing on Polarity. In other words, regardless of how you or I might feel, it plays out as is nevertheless. It just is!

It is represented in nature unambiguously. For example, there is no night without day. There is no summer without winter. There is no hot without cold. There is no birth without death. There is no masculine without feminine. There is no silence without noise. The list goes on.

Using nature as a way of explaining this concept is easier because it can be observed by sight without the interference of the human ego in which conceptual dualities, such as right or wrong reside. Removing the human ego from the equation provides greater clarity on what just is. Opposites complement each other. In fact, one cannot exist without the other and together, they create a balanced whole. Everything in the universe is the perfect expression of the opposite and in which lies universal balance.

What is Conceptual Duality and how Sacred Geometry Symbols transcend that

Conceptual dualities delve into the trickier aspects of human emotions and feelings. For example, happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. We cannot experience sadness if we have not experienced happiness and vice versa. However, what makes this harder to unpack is the subjectivity of what makes one happy or sad which in turn enters the realm of opinions and ego. 

It is important to remember however that even within concepts, one polarity cannot exist without the presence of the other. Common examples are love and hate, good and evil, chaos and order, strife and peace. One is simply a reflection of the other.

Acknowledging that "what is, simply is" without judgment is key to achieving peace. Everything else is the ego talking. Vehemently complaining about injustices, railing against ideologies ironically only attracts more injustice and more of what you do not want to see in this world. This is because the more you powerfully focus your creative energy into the "wrongs", the more you draw them into your experience. 

In the words of Carl Jung "what we resist, persists."

In a nutshell

This is why symbols such as the Flower of Life are so sacred. They transcend human emotions, opinions or feelings. They are pure and cut away the density of the human ego. Sacred Geometry reminds us that universal law is without judgment. It is pure in its neutrality. It is the perception of these neutralities that dictates what is manifested into the physical.