Post Initiation Aftercare

Cecile George and Grace Hui for Incentre

So, you have just received an Initiation and your structure is full of light. You might feel like you are walking on water, floating with the clouds or tired. Different people will feel it differently.  Clients often ask me what they can do to support themselves after initiation and I know that it can be a helpful for people to understand more about what to expect and how the experiences can evolve I created this overview based on my experience of supporting and guiding people in the transition and integration period post initiation.

The Initiation means that you have received a major upgrade and shift in your energy. This process has really only just begun and the light that has anchored through the initiation will continue to purify and bring things literally out of the shadow and into the light. This means that you may become more aware of certain emotions. For some, old traumas or blockages can move out of “freeze” and there may be a release. There can also be moments of facing yourself and how you have created your reality. This is not always comfortable as we do not like to see aspects of ourselves that aren’t beautiful or evolved yet but then it is also essential for growth. So take a deep breath and know that as you bring awareness, what you see will shift. 

The rituals you have received at Empower Thyself will support you in the integration tremendously. As recommended during the class, it is best to practice them twice a day - once in the morning and once in the evening. In the morning, to prepare for the day and in the evening, to transmute any negativity you may have developed in your thoughts and emotions so you can create a positive environment for sleep which in turn will make it easier in the morning to do the rituals again. 

Rituals are a bit like a positive spiral. The more you do them the easier they are to do. When you stop, it can take a bit more effort to restart but it is worth it. It is when you most resist the rituals that you need to do them most. If you have any questions about the rituals or need to clarify anything, your guide will be happy to find time to discuss these. 

Drinking water is also important as you are going through an energetic detox after the initiation and the water helps to eliminate metabolic waste that is linked to that. It especially helps if you feel tired. Salt baths are also a great support!

It is not uncommon for resistance to the additional light to surface in some form. At times, the light can hit a fear block inside of you and it can feel like you need a reason for the fear. Your mind kicks in and creates dramas or negativity that are unhelpful and distracting. Or, you may be becoming more aware of how you resisted empowerment through a victimhood consciousness and want to reject the whole concept of empowerment or the energies inviting you to step into your power more fully. If you stay in awareness and observe these thoughts or feelings without engaging with them, you will build your spiritual muscle and stay in your power, learning how to create your highest reality. In other words, being aware of the resistance but not letting it be the boss of you! Doing the rituals regularly is the best way to stay the course.

Keeping in touch with your guide can help but that is, of course, totally up to you. Your guide might check in with you after initiation to see how you are and how things are evolving for you. But remember, you can always reach out if you have questions about how you feel or about the rituals. 

You may also wish to consider follow-up healings or further initiations such as Healers Academy.

Healer’s Academy

The Healers Academy is a five-day intensive certification course that hands down how to serve another through giving them the sacred Life Activation, like how you first received it at the start of your journey. On top of being certified to provide the Life Activation, you will also be handed down how to do a Full Energy Balancing Session, an Aura Healing Session as well as to facilitate the Max Meditation system. The initiation received after Healers Academy gives you the second step initiation on your path of progression – the first initiation being the one received at the end of Empower Thyself where you get initiated as an Adept.

Set in the beautiful and all-encompassing energy of a Raphaelite temple, you will also be supported to heal and integrate previous healings as well. Held in the energy of love and joy, the light that enters and anchors into your structure is palpable, making you so much stronger and clearer within yourself.

In the light of Healers Academy, as you learn to truly serve, you also serve yourself as layers of pain, hurt, anger and trauma melt away, allowing you to truly see yourself as the divine being that you are. In the love of the temple, you learn to begin to truly love yourself and when you genuinely love yourself, you will begin to love others. It is at the Healers Academy that the foundation of world peace is laid. Imagine a world where we all saw the intrinsic worth of all life including our own! That’s Shamballa, or world peace, the mission of the Modern Mystery School and indeed, the desire of every human being deep down.


To attend Healer’s academy, you first have to receive a Life Activation and to have attended the 2-day Empower Thyself Class and Initiation. You will also need to complete Sacred Geometry 1, Journeys of the Spirit, 12 Races on Earth and Astral Travel. These are all 1 day or half day classes which will ensure that your structure is ready to receive and anchor the light that Healer’s Academy will bring down.

Sacred Geometry 1

This is a half day class that teaches you how to work with the 3 basic shapes which are the building blocks of all life on earth - the Triangle (Pyramid), the Square (Cube) and the Circle (Sphere). In this applied class, you will learn how to shift vibration shift vibration in your aura and spaces create sacred temple energy for meditation, healing or any spiritual practice or simply to replenish.

Journeys of the Spirit

This is a one-day workshop that opens the door to great expansion and growth: You will be taught how to connect with your higher self in a deeper and more profound way through deep meditation and spiritual traditions, and journey to higher spiritual dimensions and explore the hidden realms and wisdom of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire in a safe and protected way. 

This day long course will further heighten your extrasensory perception and sharpen your intuition, allowing you to receive inspiration from the divine with a greater sense of clarity and accuracy.

12 Races on Earth

The 12 Races of Earth uncovers the deeper hermetic teachings of the other beings that share our planet.

The Mystery School tradition has always acknowledged and worked on a conscious level with the 12 races of magickal beings (also known as the elementals or elemental beings) that share this world with the human race. It has been believed that each race serving a purpose that had a benefit to evolution - both of our planet and humanity. 

In this full day class, the hidden knowledge of the other races of Earth will be revealed to you within the lineage of King Solomon!

Astral Travel

Astral travel is an ancient technique, which has been practised by great masters for thousands of years. When practised safely, using techniques that are firmly grounded in lineage-based principles, astral travelling is a powerful way to expand your consciousness and awareness beyond the physical confines of your body.

In this half day workshop, you will be handed down the tools required for safe astral travelling to the Akashic Zone. Astral travelling to the Akashic Zone will help you access the wisdom and downloads required to help you progress on your divine path in alignment with the light, and is a life changing but entertaining and harmless pastime, helping you to progress on your journey to full consciousness through spirituality.

How to prepare

Do your Empower Thyself Class rituals regularly and be really comfortable with them. Be aware of resistance and not let it run the show. Sign up for all the pre requisite classes in time. A good way to remain plugged in to the process would be to stay in touch with your guide.

How to know if you are ready

Healing has always been about healing the self and also helping others to heal. They are both two sides of the same coin. In that sense, one is always ready and especially more so, if they desire to bring healing to themselves and others.

At the start of your journey, you may need to receive a healing to help you on your way. But if you truly want to step into your own power, you first have to be on the path to Know Thyself. The quickest way to Know Thyself is through service for in that service you heal yourself while healing others.

When we first received our Life Activation (more on that below), our Life Activation practitioner reawakened the divine within us. They served us as the divine beings that we are and through that service reaffirmed their own divinity. By becoming a Life Activation practitioner yourself, you will have the opportunity to serve another human being the way you were served! A truly sacred, noble and yet humbling act of service. The more you serve, the more joy, gratitude and reverence you will have and it is in that that your true purpose gets revealed.