This talk looks at the concept of Law of Attraction from the perspective of the universal principles of applied quantum physics as well as the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah to give you an understanding of how to make it work for you. We will learn how to overcome our unconscious limitations so we can live in connection with our true purpose, execute plans more effectively towards our goals, and attract the right opportunities.
About the Speaker: Tanmaya George:
Tanmaya is passionate about sharing the gifts she received with others. She is highly intuitive and her objective is to empower people to do their own healing. Beyond her work as a guide, ritual master (magus hermeticus), celtic shaman and healer in the ancient King Solomon lineage she is a certified body-oriented therapist and teacher by the Learning Love Institute Sedona, a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) and trained in Women Circle Leadership, Inner Child Work and Centred Leadership. Originally trained as an Engineer, MBA and former consultant with McKinsey & Company she still occasionally supports start-ups and other companies as a coach and as a faculty on Centered Leadership programmes.
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