Why ascend the tree of life?
The tree of life is our divine blueprint, the mind of god and in such the mind of all. It hold the keys to our awakening and is fundamental to who we are. It leads us back to the divine self - to knowing ourself, which is our divine birth right.
This 10 month process will take you onto a powerful journey of shedding and reorganising of your inner and outer world so that you can receive the fullness of who you really are and create the reality that you desire. It will take you face to face with your god-self and in order to do that will allow you to face and overcome your deepest fears.
The inner work will begin the moment you choose to walk this path of ascension. This is a very ancient and powerful, mystical journey during which you will get to know yourself in an entirely new way.
As taught in the Modern Mystery School the Universal Kabbalah is a system of human progression that pre-dates organised religion and as such is free of any religious affiliations. It is an energetic process, not a study of the theory.
This ancient system of wisdom has been on the planet since the beginning of times, as a roadmap into a remembering of our divine, powerful and sovereign self. The glyph - or the tree of life - is the energetic imprint of our perfected self and as we stand in front of it, it highlights to us where we are out of alignment with our divine self and brings to our awareness how to move back into the natural state of balance within.
As within so without, as above so below. This ancient hermetic principle teaches us that we create our outer reality based on our inner states. The Kabbalah allows us to transform within so we create what we desire in the world.
Kabbalah literally means to receive. By asking a series of powerful questions and using our desire to transform we transmute the inner obstacles that stand in our way. This beautiful alchemical process is facilitated by the container of the tree of life which teaches us how to receive by accessing our inner wisdom from within.
Over the course of 10 months, we ascend the tree of life. The lower self gets transmuted and we ascend into the supernals - into our divine self. This is a very sacred process in which we get to look at ourselves and experience life from 10 different energy centres which all hold keys to our deciphering of profound knowledge and wisdom within. Each of these centres holds a very different frequency and as we get familiar with them we get to shine a light on ourselves in 10 different ways - so as to leave no stones unturned and to truly let go of hidden shadows.
You get to be an architect and to redraw the plans of “your house” so to say. The tree of life is the container for your life and you can choose to reorganise the formation of the energies within the different centres so that the new plan allows you to create what you really desire in the physical.
The tree of life is within you, and over the course of the 10 months of work you will gradually purify, refine and reorganise your thoughts, your emotions and your subconscious. This will happen gradually over the year as the tree will continually work with you - it is like getting continual coaching sessions.
There will be 4 main steps or ascensions to this process:
Each ascension will be held on a weekend and the teacher will prepare the energy field for you to ascend into the tree. After the ascension over the weekend you will spend approximately 3 months in the energy of the sephiroth that you have ascended into. So the experience will be very different after each ascension and the topics that come up to clear and transform will evolve as well.
1) Malkuth (K1): The physical, practical, the manifest. Here the tree will show you how to tidy up your life in the physical dimension. This can be things such as reviewing your diet, detoxing, exercising, healing the body, your home, your paperwork and finance set-up and much more. It also is where we get to face and overcome apathy in many areas of our life.
2) Yesod, Hod, Netzach and Tipharet (K2): The foundation, healing of unconscious beliefs, emotions and trauma that holds us back. In this part of the tree a lot of the inner work happens. You will receive awareness and start shifting unconscious beliefs, emotions will surface to be experienced and healed, inner child memories will come up to be cleared and held and you will work towards mastering your ability to create through your thoughts and to ultimately achieve an inner sense of balance, self-love and reverence from which you prepare to ascend the tree. In this part of the tree the journey is one of healing and transformation and reconnection to your original true life force.
3) Geborah and Chesed (K3): This is the last ascension before the ascension into the supernals. At this stage you get to review your personal mix of severity and mercy. When do you choose to set boundaries in your life? What energy drives that? How does it serve you? When do you choose to allow, to be patient? When are you firm? What is there to learn for you in that balance? At this stage the tree will also support you in bringing awareness to any aspects in the lower sephirot that still need to be transformed, where more work needs to be done. At this stage of the tree the energy is amplified as we prepare to ascend into the supernals.
4) Ascension into the Supernals (K4): Binah, Chokmah and Kether (K4): This final ascension is a very holy process that is usually held in a retreat away from everything. While K1-K3 are weekends K4 will be held over 3 days and you will be encouraged to let go of any outside world links during the process to fully focus on yourself. This is a complete letting go of the personality as it was created up to that point. The whole 10 months of work will have been a preparation for this and from this point on you will be connected to the highest spheres in the tree in a completely different way. This connection once established means you can always find your way home - because you have been here before. So you will be able to shine this light of your higher self into all areas of your life. This is also where the fruits of the tree - your desires - start to become manifest. The inner work will now start to take shape in the physical.
The ascension happens in 4 weekend classes over the course of 10 months (total of 7 days). These are core transformation weekends and as such are to be completed in entirety:
Kabbalah 1 "K1" : (Saturday-Sunday) Nov. 6/7th 2021
Kabbalah 2 "K2" : (Saturday) Feb 2022 - dates to be set with the group*
Kabbalah 3 "K3" : (Saturday) May 2022 - dates to be set with the group*
Kabbalah 4 "K4" : (Friday-Sunday) Sep 2022 - dates to be set with the group*
*Dates for K2-K4 are set in early November with the group.
Study Groups
11 Study Groups will be offered over the course of the 10 months. These will allow you to journey deeper and give you a deeper understanding of the different “stations” on your way up the tree of life. Dates for the study groups will be published a few months in advance
Malkuth (Kingdom/The World/The Gate): : Dates TBA
Yesod (Foundation/Creative Force/Dreams): : Dates TBA
Hod (Splendor/Active Science/Magick): : Dates TBA
Netzach (Victory/Endurance/Arts/Nature): : Dates TBA
Tiphareth (Beauty/Harmony/The Child/Love): : Dates TBA
Geburah (Severity/Strength/Justice/Power): : Dates TBA
Chesed (Mercy/Majesty): : Dates TBA
Da'ath: (Knowledge/Hidden Knowledge): : Dates TBA
Binah: (Understanding/Intelligence/Container): : Dates TBA
Chokmah (Wisdom/Crown of Creation/Force): : Dates TBA
Kether (Crown/Vast Countenance): : Dates TBA
Kabbalah is very affordable!
Total Yearly Fee:: 2640£ (incl taxes) or 660£ per weekend (K1, K2, K3, K4)
Paid in deposit of 300£ and monthly payments of 195£/month over 12 months (does not include retreat costs for final weekend)
70£ discount for early bird bookings (first 10 places) - so deposit is 230£ instead of 300£
This covers the costs of the 4 Kabbalah Ascension Weekends and ongoing support by your Kabbalah teacher and guide
FOR LIFE ACTIVATION PRACTITIONERS (if certified for the whole duration of the ascension)
Total Yearly Fee::2080£ (incl taxes) or 520£ per weekend (k1, K2, K3, K4)
Paid in deposit of 300£ and monthly payments of 150£/month over 12 months (does not include retreat costs for final weekend)
70£ discount for early bird bookings (first 10 places) - so deposit is 230£ instead of 300£
This covers the costs of the 4 Kabbalah Ascension Weekends and ongoing support by your Kabbalah teacher and guide