
by Grace Hui

Do you ever wonder what your soul’s purpose is? If you are one that is retrospective, chances are, you would. However, for us not to be misled by our feelings, we need to develop discernment.

This is not to say that feelings have no value. Of course, they do. Very often, feelings give us an indication of our well-being. For example, feelings of anger could mean that a boundary has been breached while sadness could indicate that you are yearning for something you cannot have or conversely, that you have lost something.

Yet, feelings are very often an invitation to dig deeper - not an end goal in itself. In our endless quest to feel happy, sometimes, we mistake feelings for the enemy instead of the messager and end up missing the opportunity to be curious about ourselves.

Feelings without awareness can misguidedly lead us to down a path that is not in our highest good. This brings us to discernment.

For example, you may currently feel miserable about your job. In that frustration, you may feel that you are on the wrong path. However, do you really dislike your job? Or is it something that is ancillary to the job that you actually have an issue with? Do you dislike your line manager or a co-worker? And if so, why? Is it just one part of the job that you don’t relish that you can perhaps rectify?

Or, it may well be that you truly need a change in direction to be more authentic to your true self. However, for you to really listen to your inner voice and know yourself, you need to be able to differentiate passing feelings and outside voices from your own inner self.

One way to access your true self is in stillness and groundedness. To be anchored within and to have the ability to sit with yourself, accept and meet yourself where you are. Meditation is a great way to get started in the journey to meet and get acquainted with who we truly are and the ancient mystery school motto of: TEMET NOSCE or KNOW THYSELF is the foundation of us living in alignment - which ultimately brings joy.

The tools of the ancient mystery schools to achieve this state include meditation, energy practices, initiation and activations which are building on each other and support a gradual re-acquainting with the true power, wisdom and magick we hold within in a gentle and safe manner.

When we know ourselves, we allow ourselves to listen to the calling of the soul and we trust ourselves to take the steps needed to live in alignment with that. These are the fruits of this journey within.