How to transform the fear of judgement

By Tanmaya George

I used to spend a lot of time worrying about what others thought of me. Or acting, saying and wearing things that I thought would make people like me. Now most of the time I have fun, I can still hear people’s reactions to me but I don’t mind if someone doesn’t like me, or something I do. It’s ok and doesn’t scare me anymore

And I find it interesting how universal this fear is. A tremendous amount of energy as a society is spent on fitting in and avoiding judgement from others.

I find it is worth asking ourselves why? Why this fear? Yes, many of us feel the thoughts and judgements of others.. even if not expressed verbally, and it is a painful energy of separation. And maybe you are also sometimes aware of your own thoughts and judgements towards other and not always sure how to stop them ..

Of course yes it feels safer to fit in with the tribe, our DNA maybe remembers moment where it wasn’t safe for our ancestors to not be in line with the larger tribe.

But then what if we could let go of this fear, get to know what truly drives us, our passion, our essence and step by step learn to express it? To share it?

Not just on a weekend with friends that understand us just to go back to the role play on Monday morning. But for real every day...

The first step is to bring awareness to energy. Because judgements are energy, how else would we feel them? And as we understand more what is directed towards us we can learn how to redirect it or become free of its influence. But if we don’t acknowledge its existence it will continue to shape our reality.

The second step is to learn how to take care of our field, we as metaphysicians also call this our aura. Because what we hold in our aura influences our internal experience. So as we learn to discern what energies we want to allow in and which ones we don’t want to influence us we can start to live a life that is more in alignment with who we are.

In the class Empower Thyself I teach simple tools that will allow you to bring awareness to energy on a daily basis, and to take care of your own field on a daily basis.

As a result and by applying them you can relearn how to trust yourself, trust that you are strong, that you can handle things without the larger support of the tribe so that you can create according to your own will .. but also that you are supported on your mission magickally because you are.