
The concept of space

By Grace Hui for Incentre

As humans, we are often preoccupied with the concept of “space”. We want the places in which we inhabit, work in or spend time in to reflect the frequency of joy, peace and harmony. And often, when our personal spaces are not respected, we feel a sense of violation and upset. 

In searching for our perfect space, we tend to focus on external factors such as the location of such a space and more importantly, our respective budgets. More often than not, these external factors are what limits us from our perfect space. After all, haven’t we all been in a position where we have seen the space of our dreams with the only problem being that it is just outside our price range? 

This is however a very limiting and misguided mindset.

In always looking outside ourselves, we are forgetting that within each and everyone of us, lies the power to create our own perfect space. 

We only need to know how…..


Sacred Space

Our desire to connect to something sacred is hardwired into our DNA. Although we may have forgotten our connection to the divine, it is still there, awaiting to be reawakened. 

Our fixation with looking outwards comes chiefly from an imbalance between our physical and spiritual selves. In our modern life, where the ancient ways have been neglected, there appears to be no fixed point or centre. In other words, we have not made space for a pillar to the divine, living solely within the limitations of our minds and the constraints of our physicality.

The ability to create our own sacred spaces is our birthright. It first comes from inwardly acknowledging the sacred. From within it filters outwards to the spaces in which we inhabit. Instead of looking out to in, we need to look from in to out. We can rediscover the holy places of our private universe by surrendering ourselves to the power of the sacred.

By recognising our divinity and oneness with the universe, we can harness the  regenerative power or energy that exists for both our personal use and for social regeneration. We can quite literally heal the world by beginning with the healing of ourselves and our personal spaces.

Indeed, many of the wise masters of old have studied the concept of creating space through the contemplation of divine proportion and geometric patterns which are fundamental to the creation and perpetuation of life in the universe.

These masters understood that we have the power to create the space we want. The space does not create us. 

We only have to understand that we have mastery over space! Not vice versa.


Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry has existed in many forms across the ages.

Described as the “architecture of the universe”, it is like a golden braid that weaves together the principles of numbers (math), art, and music/harmonics.It has been called the common language of the universe and the divine pattern through which the building blocks of creation come into manifestation. 

It is also one of the very few subjects that satisfy both the left brain and right brain hemispheres simultaneously. It satisfies the left brain's desire for logical, sequential and objective data while also satisfying the right brain's desire for random, intuitive and subjective data. In other words, sacred geometry brings forth unity, balance and harmony within the physical makeup of humanity.

These are the perfect shapes and patterns that form the fundamental templates for life in the universe. From the Fibonacci sequence to the Golden Ratio, design patterns can be broken down as the language of numbers (mathematics) that govern our entire visible and invisible world. 

These sacred building blocks of life are found all around us if we know where to look. 

In nature, they exist in every cell of every plant, a divine pattern of shapes that some call the blueprint of life which graphically depicts the self- organising processes of nature and the Universe. From the dance of atoms to the spiralling of galaxies, every type of growth and motion is governed by the same set of universal laws.

Virtually all ancient traditions have understood and worked with the concepts of sacred geometry. It is often mistakenly said that geometry began with the Greeks, but before them were the Minoans, the Egyptians, Sumerians, Indus valley, Chinese, Phoenicians and of course, the builders of the western European megaliths all of whom left clear geometric fingerprints in their greatest constructions. 

These sacred shapes are found across a multitude of ancient structures and buildings across the world where the wise masters of old have utilised these basic principles to construct spaces of light, symmetry and harmony, some of which have lasted the test of time - still standing there in their splendour and majesty, quiet reminders that these tools are still there for us to learn and use.

From Stonehenge to the famed pyramids of Giza, the evidence of the utilisation of sacred geometry by our ancestors is all around us. From the repeating patterns in leaves and the kaleidoscopic patterns on each snowflake, it is clear that sacred geometry holds the keys not just to harmony but to life itself.

Artists and artisans through the ages of all cultures (both ancient and modern) have also expressed the sacred geometries in their works. From the Islamic mosaics to the eastern and western mandalas to the basket weaving patterns of the Pacific Islanders, it is clear that these shapes and repeating patterns go to the root of our very existence.

Indeed, the shapes are part of the heritage of all sentient life - something that transcends the limitations of culture, language, race, religion or species. It is the universal language of creation that goes right to the mind of God or the Creator. It is what unites us all even if other man made concepts have divided us. Sacred Geometry brings us all back to our common divinity.

Beyond magick, sacred geometry is also based on scientific and mathematical principles. Pythagoras, the famed mathematician from history, was known to study sacred geometry.

Employing sacred geometry in our daily lives forms part of the toolkit that we can use to transform energy for the benefit of not just us, but also our environment. This is a tradition that has been around for thousands of years. Everything is vibration or energy and when we learn to master our own vibration we can become masters of our inner and outer universe (the micro and macrocosm. As above, so below, As within, so without!


The spiritual meanings behind these geometric patterns and symbols

Astronomer Galileo Galilei once said that  “Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the universe.” These shapes could be seen as the rule of mathematics manifested in the physical. 

Sacred shapes represent the intangible, mysterious and mystical elements of life, correlating to something deeper within the consciousness of the universe. Perhaps, they represent the language of the soul and mirror the reflections of our collective unconscious.

Virtually every society, nation, organisation and kingdom have emblems that represent them. Prestigious families also have family crests made up of symbols that reflect their values. Many of these ancient crests such as the fleur de lis survive till this very day.  It is clear that there is great power behind symbols.

In that context, these geometrical patterns represent the link between body and spirit with the sacred language of the universe.


The Three Basic Shapes

There are three basic shapes that are the foundation of sacred geometry - the pyramid/triangle, the cube/square and the sphere/circle. 


The triangle or the pyramid is a platonic solid that symbolises the ‘building blocks’ of the universe. It symbolises balance, harmony, and completion. Rising upwards, it elevates us to Higher Consciousness. No coincidence that the pyramids of Giza utilise this!


The square or the cube signifies a solid foundation, groundedness, stability, safety, security and dependability. It is also the foundation of a pyramid, the base that gives it its stability.


The circle or sphere symbolises wholeness, oneness and the never-ending circle/cycles of life. It represents eternity, constancy, unity, perfection and inclusiveness. Some have called it the symbol of God given that it exists by itself.

These three basic shapes are the foundation of sacred geometry. When used in a lineage based manner (and in our case, the lineage of King Solomon) that has been handed down from master to student in a chain that has been unbroken for thousands of years, these shapes have the power to transmute the vibration of any space. It can also heal our aura as needed.

The simplicity and purity of these three shapes cut through the complexity and density of our mental and emotional processes to create an atmosphere of clarity, focus and peace. 

Knowledge of Sacred Geometry gives us mastery over our surroundings. Instead of allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by what happens around us, these ancient rituals and shapes empower us to overcome, transmute and transcend.

There are of course many other shapes such as the Spiral, the Flower of Life or the Star of David and the list goes on. However, all of them will relate to the basic shapes listed above.


How Sacred Geometry can help you

The utilisation of the shapes in a lineage-based way gives us the power to access the divine no matter where we are. It allows us to bridge the divide between the physical world and the spiritual realms by unifying the two. In many ways, utilising sacred geometry can help us create heaven on earth within that particular space.

By using the rituals and the basic shapes in any space you inhabit, you activate it and transform it into a holy sanctuary that will serve as a container of light, blocking out any negativity or energies that are not in your highest good. It will also create a space where you can have clearer downloads from your guides and your higher selves by weeding out the energies that block you from such divine and pure connections.

Through the activation of any space, you are effectively creating a temple space where the divine energies are invited in to strengthen virtually every aspect of your life. Through the impartation of this ancient system of holy symbols and working with it, you can heal your own energy field while also expanding your consciousness to new realities of Light and Love.

How Sacred Geometry has enhanced my life

As an empath, I was always sensitive to the energies around me. Even as I embarked on various healing modalities to serve others, I could not always remain balanced because I was unable to fully understand how to work with and move energy in a way that is for the highest good of all, myself included.

Through working with sacred geometry under the guidance of a lineage based teacher, in my case, the lineage of King Solomon, I was able to understand how to employ these sacred shapes to serve myself and others in alignment with the Light. 

With the protection of the shapes, I was able to discern with greater clarity and wisdom. I used the tools I learnt to create safe and sacred spaces for meditation, healing and for accessing the wisdom of my higher self through an expanded spiritual awareness.

Through the progressive training system in The Modern Mystery School, my journey with Sacred Geometry has enhanced my life and empowered my progression. It has provided me additional tools to support not just myself but also to serve others in the Light.

In a world which seems out of balance, I have re-created my own balance and accessed the magick within. Instead of relying on outward factors beyond my control to gain harmony, I have learnt to create my own inner peace through my own empowerment.

We don’t have to accept our environment passively. We have the power to change and influence our surroundings by working with ancient wisdom that is all around us, waiting to be discovered, awakened and relearnt.

In my ongoing journey with sacred geometry, I have awakened the magickian within me.



Book Sacred Geometry I & II classes below. Or contact us at to learn more.

Sacred Geometry 1 | Creating Sacred Space

The sacred tools that you’ll receive stem from the ancient hermetic lineage and you will learn how to;

  • Increase your vibration and connection to spirit

  • Strengthen your energy field

  • Clear spaces energetically (such as offices, hotel rooms, meditation spaces)

  • Create a temple of space (for meditation, groups or just because you enjoy the energy)

Value: 100£

Prerequisite: Life Activation

For package with Life Activation private session please email us


Sacred Geometry 2 I The Magick of Crystals

In Sacred Geometry 2, you will be handed down sacred and powerful methods of crystal healing and space protection using crystal layouts. These healings and crystal layouts can be used on yourself or in service to others.

Pre requisite - Sacred Geometry 1