Astral Travel - The wonders of knowing your divine purpose

The term “Astral Travel” conjures up all manner of speculation these days. To some, the idea of astral travelling sounds like a spellbinding curiosity. To others, it is considered “out there” where it is imagined that a group of people wearing hemp get out their tin foiled hats. Yet others associate astral travelling with psychedelics. There are also those who look at this with fear. 

“Is it safe?” “Will I get stuck there” are some of the questions that are asked. 

So while astral travelling is a concept that has gone somewhat mainstream, what it truly is, is still at often times misunderstood.

So, What exactly is Astral Travel?

What is Astral Travel?

Astral Travel is not new age hocus pocus made fashionable by hippies. It is actually a very ancient technique, which has been practised by great masters for thousands of years. When practised safely, using techniques that are firmly grounded in lineage-based principles, astral travelling is a powerful way to expand your consciousness and awareness beyond the physical confines of your body. 

In the Modern Mystery School, astral travel is taught in the same way and with the same techniques handed down by the great masters for thousands of years, from teacher to student in an unbroken chain. 

In a nutshell, astral travel is the art or science of travelling outside of the body to obtain information. Without the density of the physical body, we are able to expand our consciousness to anywhere in the universe, giving us a powerful sense of freedom, growth and joy.

The Modern Mystery School hands down the technique of astral travelling to the Akhashic zone to download information that is personal to our divine selves and purposes. Astral Travelling should be utilised with a purity of purpose. It is not for spying on others. It is a tool for the light, to assist us in exploring the individual plans to our lives.

What is the Akashic Zone?

The Akashic zone is where the Akashic records are kept. The Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent (manifest or unmanifest) ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms. 

We all have a divine purpose and sometimes in the distractions of the world, we can become disconnected with that divine plan for our life. Gaining access to our own book in the Akashic records is a wonderful way to reconnect once more with who we truly are and what we are meant to do. When safely done, it offers immense clarity and wisdom.

What are the benefits of Astral Travelling?

Through learning how to astral travel, we learn to expand our consciousness and awareness, beyond the limits of our physical body. It is also an aid to meditation and to connecting with our guides and higher selves on a deeper level. Through rituals and the setting of space, we can ensure that our connection is genuine and that we are protected as we travel.

Further, Astral travelling to the Akashic Zone will also help us to access the wisdom and downloads required to help us progress on our divine path in alignment with the light.

The Modern Mystery School hands down the keys to astral travelling by imparting the essential theory and techniques that have been tried and tested for thousands of years. Your highly trained teacher will ensure that you get there safely and back and you will leave the class empowered to be able to astral travel safely on your own.

As the techniques required for safe travelling to the Akashic Zone will utilise the 3 sacred geometries as our vehicles for safe travel, a prerequisite for attending this class will be the successful completion of the sacred geometry 1 class.

What is Sacred Geometry?

The 3 sacred geometries are the 3 sacred shapes of creation. They are the building blocks of life, represented in all spiritual traditions. From the Egyptians to the Mayans, from Africa to Asia - all tribal and other traditions use the same sacred geometries and that is not just a coincidence!

Through working with the 3 sacred geometries, we are able to activate the room to create a container of light and it is from within that temple space that we can safely astral travel.

Through studying the divine geometric patterns, we can also understand ourselves on a deeper level, connecting us with universal wisdom as a whole. 

In a nutshell

This is a very enlightening class that will give you a new way to see and navigate the world. Join us and leave any misconceptions or preconceived notions at the door.