Connecting with the Moon to illuminate our Life

A full Moon occurs approximately every 29.5 days. This is the length of time it takes for the Moon to go through one whole lunar phase cycle. Each cycle encompasses a journey, a beginning and an end. The full moon happens when the moon has moved 180 degrees from its new moon position and forms a line with the sun and the Earth. At this time, the moon’s disk is as close as it can be to being fully illuminated by the sun. To sky gazers, the Moon appears as a complete circle in the sky. We see it as a full orb because the whole of the side of the Moon facing the Earth is lit up by the Sun's rays.

This is a magickal time when the moonlight is the strongest, illuminating the night.  The magnetic power of the full moon moves the waters of even the greatest ocean.  Such is the power of Lady Lunar. Humans are made up of mostly water and as such, the power of the moon has a profound impact on us. 

It is no happenstance that the moon and its cycles have played a huge part in the lives of humanity since the beginning of time. Across the world, many traditions have honoured the moon and her cycles with rituals and celebrations, acknowledging the huge role that the glorious and enigmatic moon plays in human life and evolution.

Full moons are symbolic of unity, manifestation and completion — nature’s expression of humanity’s oneness with the earth’s timeless and essential rotation around the sun.

An opportunity to heal with awareness

For some, the full moon period may be uncomfortable. However, it is also within that discomfort that presents us with the greatest opportunity to heal with awareness.

At this time, we may experience the light of the moon as it shines a spotlight on patterns or issues within our lives that we need to release, clear and heal from. It illuminates patterns that no longer serve us, giving us an opportunity to address these stagnant areas of our lives.

Deep subconscious patterns may rise to the surface and we may find or sense ourselves feeling not quite ourselves during this time! We may have sleep disturbances, or feel more emotional, in need of extra rest, or super energised! Whatever that might be, trust the light of the moon, exercise your discernment and go with it. Do not judge it. Let it come up and harness the support of the moon to release it. Nurture and honour yourself at this time come what may!

The key is self awareness and with self awareness and understanding we can understand ourselves more deeply and work more effectively with the full Moon energy to support us for the new cycle.

Through the power of receptivity and the light of the full moon, we also have the chance to reclaim and restore that lost sense of balance between the divine masculine and divine feminine. Through ceremony, we have the opportunity to connect to the light of the Moon and engage her power to heal, restore balance and illumine the darker aspects of self so that they may come to light.

Working with the moon through meditation

The amazing benefits of meditation are endless. According to research, those who meditate regularly experience improvements in their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. 

Meditation is a tool by which we can connect to the wisdom of our higher selves and gain greater clarity. Not only can meditation bring about calm, peace and relaxation, it can also utilise the power of our own mind control to overcome negative thought patterns. 

The Modern Mystery School teaches various techniques of meditation such as the sanctuary meditation which helps us to connect with our higher selves and seek guidance from within and The Max Meditation System™ which, among other things, declutters the thoughts and brings us to inner peace. 

At the time of the full moon though, participating in a full moon meditation can truly serve!

With the extra oomph that the full moon energy brings, this is a special time to meditate, combining both the benefits of normal meditation with the illuminating clarity and support that the moon adds. Harnessing the ability of the moon to restore and bring balance in our lives with the wisdom that meditation can bring in. This is an excellent chance to seek balance between our inner and outer worlds so as to live life alive and maximise our full human potential.

The wonderful thing about the full moon is that we have an opportunity to connect regularly as she rises in full glory monthly.

In a nutshell:

Full Moons present an excellent opportunity to release, let go, to transform, and also to support us in manifestation and creating our heart’s desires. Reminding us of our divine essence and our potential to renew and recreate! 

 Full Moon meditations will support us in releasing whatever we want and need to at this time of great change on the planet. For in letting go you create space for something better, for your new creations to be birthed, for you to metamorphose and progress with greater connection, alignment with the light, ease, and grace into the New Paradigm!