How the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah can enhance your life

The Kabbalah can sometimes seem an esoteric concept that is hard to explain or understand. However, from a lived experience, living by it and being in its energy is both an engaging and rewarding journey.

The magick of the Kabbalah is revealed through a glyph, or symbol, known as the Tree of Life. In studying this Tree, we are able to expand our awareness and consciousness which helps us to truly know ourselves and in so doing, embody our innate divinity.

Living Kabbalistically goes beyond an academic study or reading books. It exceeds the accumulation of information and knowledge but is an energetic experience. It is a process of ascension, being a spiritual awakening and an alchemical transformation that will change your life in its entirety.

Knowing Thyself

To know thyself is the secret to living in freedom. It affords us the ability to make choices and decisions that are in line with our own individual divine purpose without the influence of others. We are able to navigate life without judging others or fearing the judgement of others when we truly know who we are. When we know ourselves genuinely, we can authentically live as our higher selves.

As such, Knowing Thyself is something that the Modern Mystery School talks a lot about. Indeed, it is something that the Modern Mystery School seeks to empower every student to do. While there are many tools in the toolkit of knowing ourselves, studying and living the magick of the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is a great key. The Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is an ancient, mystical system that facilitates us to get to know ourselves better. In learning about ourselves, we come into awareness of our divine nature and therefore coming into a deeper connection with God.

The Kabbalah is designed to answer the 5 key questions that humanity has sought the answers for through the ages since time immemorial:

Who am I?

What am I?

Where did I come from?

Where am I going?

What is my purpose?

While the answers to each of these questions might differ for each person, the quest is the same and in discovering the answers to these questions, we can be supported to live a fuller and much more fulfilling life. We can live life alive without the shackles of attachment.

We have never been born therefore we can never die

In our earthly existence, in an unawakened state, we fear loss and death. We struggle endlessly to hold on to stuff. We become attached to particular outcomes or results and resist change. But, because change is an inevitable part of life, our fight against it brings on a lot of suffering. Yet, if we understood eternity, change will no longer be something to fear. Rather, we would realise on a deep level that it is merely an experience. As the saying goes: “ This too shall pass”.

Often, it is the resistance to change that brings about suffering. After all, while pain in life is inevitable, suffering is not. Suffering only comes from resistance to the pain of change.

However, if we truly reawaken to our divinity, we will realise that we are far more than our physical existence. Our bodies and our physical life on earth is but a miniscule part of the whole. We are eternal!

If we truly grasped our eternity, we would not struggle to hold on status quo and we would fear change or loss far less. We would learn to enjoy each experience for what it is - an experience that is transient.

We have never been born and therefore we can never die. Our earthly existence is not all that we have or all that we are. Our time on earth is but a pitstop so that we can have a physically experience. We were never meant to stay on earth forever. However, because we seem to have forgotten our divinity, we have confused what was meant to be a temporary experience for the be all and end all of existence.

Attachment is not Love

In our physical life, attachment is sometimes confused with love. Attachment is an illusion while love is pure and eternal. To truly love something is to understand that the truest expression of love is to be able to let go with the full knowledge that what is truly loved is never lost.

Because our physical life is an experience, it is constantly changing. We have to progress and stagnation is the very opposite of that. For example, if we were to observe nature, we would notice that everything is always changing - an endless cycle of growth, death and rebirth. These are the rhythms of living in the physical - something we cannot run away from as long as we are physical. To fight against it would be futile. However, if we live in the knowledge of eternity and fully embraced it, we would learn to let go of attachment and realise that we are all part of an eternal collective.

Even if we lose something we love or if something we love has changed its form, it doesn’t mean that the love wasn’t real or that it no longer exists.

Ascending the Tree of Life

The tree of life is our divine blueprint, the mind of God and as such, the mind of all. It holds the keys to our awakening and is fundamental to who we are. It leads us back to the divine self - to knowing ourselves, which is our divine birth right.

This 10 month process will take one on a powerful journey of shedding. It will reorganise our inner and outer worlds so that we can receive and partake in the fullness of who we really are. It will also help us to create the reality that we desire. We will come face to face with our deepest fears and overcome them. In so doing, we become integrated with our God-selves.

The inner work will begin the moment we choose to walk this path of ascension. This is a very ancient, powerful and mystical journey where we will truly get to know ourselves in an entirely new way in alignment with who are we are supposed to be.

As taught in the Modern Mystery School, the Universal Kabbalah is a system of human progression that pre-dates organised religion. it is, therefore, free of any religious affiliations - an energetic process, not a study of the theory.

Personal Accounts

My journey with the Universal Kabbalah was not an easy one. However it was a an enriching and rewarding one that continues to help me to authentically navigate life.

During my journey, my dog, an adopted Akita, named Leonard, became ill and eventually after a gradual decline, he passed. Leonard was a constant companion in my life. To say that he was a huge part of my life would be an understatement. He went everywhere with me and we shared many joys and memories. Him passing was one of the biggest fears of my life. He was my child, my forever baby boy. Even though I knew that his decline and eventual physical death was an eventuality, I still lived in fear of it. However, because of my fear, my enjoyment of the present was affected.

The Tree of Life held me in a way that I never thought possible . While it in no way lessened the pain of loss, it broadened my understanding of eternity and in turn, gave me an opportunity to let go of attachment and to love with such profound clarity and presence.

Leonard had a degenerative disease. He became wobbly, lost the use of one back leg, then the use of both back legs, then control of his mid section and eventually his front. He was incontinent and my husband and I provided him 24/7 care for nearly a year. Both of us would have done it forever if we had to - we loved him so much. But deep down, I also knew that it was not in his highest good to keep going.

What made it hard for us to make a decision was that Leonard wasn’t in overt pain. He was also still eating and engaging with us. He simply had no sensation and was immobile. Yet, he couldn’t be dog. He

couldn’t run and join the other 2 dogs at the front door or for walks. He was getting increasingly frustrated although his love for my husband and I never diminished.

The strength of the Tree and its support gave me the clarity to understand that Leonard wasn’t afraid to move from the physical to the eternity. In fact, his physical body had become an encumbrance to him. His spirit was far greater than the confines of his physical condition. He had experienced his physical life to its fullest extent and he was ready to go.

Before the support of the Tree, I would not have been able to grasp this concept of eternity. I would have been in fear that I would lose Leonard forever. Yet, he would still have died and I would not have been able to support his transition and been present with him in the way that I was without the support of the Tree. I know this for a fact. I would have been completely broken and all over the place.

Because I knew my divinity and felt the support of the Tree, I was able to stand in my own power and held the light for all around me in what was an extremely difficult time.

When Leonard crossed the rainbow bridge, I was able to be present with him and accompanied him as he journeyed into eternity. We held him as he went so peacefully and I was blessed with the vision of him running through the garden doors as we flung it open to release his spirit. He ran and as he leapt, he flew into the sky and became one with spirit. While the logical mind would tell me that this wasn’t real, my heart knew that it was.

Embracing my divinity allowed me to set Leonard free so that he too could become part of great spirit when his physical body failed.

While everything in physicality has an expiry date, we are eternal and in that eternity, there is no expiry date.

In a nutshell

As within so without, as above so below”. This ancient hermetic principle teaches us that we create our outer reality based on our inner states. The Kabbalah allows us to transform within so we can create what we desire in the world.

Kabbalah literally means “to receive”. By asking a series of powerful questions and using our desire to transform, we can transmute the inner obstacles that stand in our way. This beautiful alchemical process is facilitated by the “container” the tree of life provides, which in turn, teaches us how to receive by accessing our inner wisdom.

A journey well worth embarking.