Mastering vibration - psychic protection


By Grace Hui for Incentre

Everything around us is made up of energy. This is not just true in the domain of spirituality but also proven by conventional science. We and indeed, other living beings, are continuously affected by vibrations around us.

This also means that we have the power to create the energy that we want around us. In other words, there is no need to fear negativity. Rather, we can feel empowered with the knowledge that we can change what does not nourish us when we are aware. From this awareness we can live with the understanding that everything is mutable, that energy can be transmuted.

Have you entered a space and immediately felt uplifted by it or, have you attended events and met people whose positivity was contagious and made you feel joyful? Have there been times where you have been in the presence of such peace and calm that the effects linger within and around you for hours or days to come?

Conversely, have you had encounters where the negativity of someone brings you down, or worse, drains you? Have you inhabited spaces which just didn’t feel quite right and had an adverse effect on you emotionally, mentally and even physically? This is not to say that others may have the conscious decision to harm you. They could just simply have formed a negative opinion about you which they have not released and have put on you.

Because of how psychic we all are we are more often than not, afraid of the judgments of others. For example, we may stay in a job we don’t like, dress in a certain way, drive a particular type of car, dine at a specific restaurant or reside within a given postcode, not because we actually want to, but because we want others not to judge us”. The energy we can invest in avoiding judgement tells us how uncomfortable it feels.


In the same vein, our positive thoughts about others and the loving energy that we send them also have an uplifting effect on them. It can also raise our own vibrations to be within this field of loving positivity. This explains why prayers and high vibration words are able to heal and comfort.

Our energies do overlap with that of others and we do have the ability to affect one another. When we are happy, we can make the people around us feel happy. When we emit serenity, we have the ability to influence our surroundings to similarly be an oasis of calm. On the reverse, if we do not check in with or look after our own emotional and spiritual wellbeing, we may project our own anger or frustration outward, negatively impacting those around us. This same principle works for everyone which means that we have the power to influence what we want around us.

We all have both darkness and light within us. If we don't acknowledge our dark sides and learn to bring light to illuminate our shadows, we can unconsciously put this on someone else. If we are not aware of our own energetic hygiene, we may not recognise that these negative energies, that are not from us, are taking over.

This does not have to be an inevitable occurrence in which we have no ability to control. Far from it - there are many ways we can protect our energy spaces. We also have to take ownership of what we put out there. As the Hermetic principle goes - as within so without, as above, so below.

From the ancient Egyptians to the Shamanic practices found worldwide to the Wiccan community, the use of rituals, spells, plants, crystals to lift the energetic frequency around us have been traditionally used. Even the church through its use of incense and certain rituals have their foundation in purifying the space and removing stagnant energy.

The lineage of King Solomon, teaches and imparts a comprehensive system by which you can maintain energetic hygiene. The training is precise, rigorous and based on the true ancient ways that honor the ancient traditions and lineage.

The key difference between true lineage and other practices is that the focus is on empowerment. Empowering you by giving you the tools to do the work for yourself.


Tools for Psychic Protection - The Integrity of your Own Structure

Do we recognise our own shadows? Are we self aware? Do we bring light into our structures to illuminate our shadows? Do we, as the proverbial saying goes, own our own shit?

If we do not know what belongs to us, how would we know if we are under the influence of external sources? Therein lies the importance of personal empowerment, knowing thyself and discernment.

No amount of tools can work effectively, if we don’t first begin with ourselves.

Anyone can learn how to work with energy. We are all divine and psychic beings after all! And the key in all the ancient lineages was that we first have to learn to master our energy field. How to transmute energy. How to discern between high and low vibration in our field and how to create a field of positivity. From this foundation we can learn to open our senses and psychic awareness further.

This is what is handed down in the Empower Thyself class. This class hands down the tools for each individual to continue along their soul’s true path.

It imparts the tools by which you can

  • daily strengthen and clear your energy field of what is not in your highest good

  • learn how to build an octagon structure around you that helps to transmute energy in your field and protects from energy that doesn’t serve you

  • have clarity on who you are and what you stand for and gives you the personal power to stand firm in who you are

  • learn how to connect with your higher self and guides so that the wisdom you receive from them is pure and free from external influences or your negative ego

“When I first took empower thyself I wasn’t convinced it would make a difference in my life. How could these practices and mantras really shift how I feel? But I went on and practiced the tools daily and felt a big shift in how I experienced my field and the energies around me. It suddenly wasn’t overwhelming anymore to be around people with strong emotions. As an empath that had always been challenging for me.”- Tanmaya

"Completely changed my life, I changed relationship, created my own coaching company and got back to full health after burn-out within a year” - Cornelia Fisch-Buechli about Life Activation and Empower Thyself.

Click here to watch the video with Cornelia

“The Empower Thyself program has brought a lot of changes both for me and my wife. The tools are just amazing. It really helps you deal with your daily life and you learn to look at things more positively. Jonathan

The Empower Thyself was such a wonderful experience. I recommend it to people who are too busy with their. We need to look after and nurture our spiritual growth.” - Jonathan and Theresa about Empower Thyself


Tools for Psychic Protection - Cleansing tools

White sage is such a beautiful cleansing herb and has a history of being used in this way by tribal people and mystery school initiates. Burning white sage allows the white smoke to clear the space of any negativity. My daughter always talks about how much she likes the smell when I burn it. Children are actually very intuitive and always go towards positive vibes or pull back from negativity. It is so important to support them in that and to not make them mistrust their intuition by enforcing societal norms. I also recommend incense and frankincese to clear and shift energy.

There are also certain sacred woods such as Paolo Santo (Holy wood) which are said to be powerful space clearing tools. However, Paolo Santo may not always be ethically sourced and are considered endangered in certain parts of the world. Please use your discernment when acquiring these.

All of the above can be used with rituals, spells and chants for their powers to be amplified.


Tools for Psychic Protection - Crystals and Sacred Geometry

All crystals help us with our light work and as such are our friends on this path. Some are very powerful in strengthening our field. Moldavite is a powerful stone that helps us with that. It can be worn as jewellery and using it in combination with rose quartz can soften the energy as it often needs getting used to. Another powerful protection stone is Pyrite. It can be used to create a protective field around your home – when using one cube in each corner of the house.

There are also sacred geometries that we can work with to bring the divine into our personal spaces. These sacred shapes can also help us to invite the light into any space and to connect with the divine.

I love teaching the Sacred Geometry classes that teach us how to work with such shapes, how to work with crystals and how to protectively grid spaces to bring in more light and/or to do sacred work.

The foundation of working with Sacred Geometry is the class, Sacred Geometry 1 which teaches us how to work with the simplicity of the basic shapes - triangle/pyramid, square/cube and circle/sphere to cut through the density of our physical world. It also teaches us how to set up an altar to anchor the light and bring in divine energy - to quite literally create heaven on earth in our personal space.

In the later series of Sacred Geometry classes. We will learn to work with crystals to heal ourselves and others while also ridding negative energy and other things that no longer serve our highest goods. We will also learn how to create protective crystal grids in spaces which we can do for ourselves as well as others.


Tools for Psychic Protection - Sacred Prayers, Mantras and Rituals

Words convey a vibration and therefore have power. Negative words can therefore have an adverse impact. Some words such as “Om” are high vibration words that lift up your energy frequency and vibration to dissolve negativity. There are also other words, chants and prayers that are specially formulated to transmute negativity and offer protection.

Mantras are sacred tools that need to be conveyed with the right energy. Many mantras need to be conveyed with the “keys” to use them. This happens in person in the empower thyself class. I work with mantras a lot as well when clearing spaces or people’s energy.

An invitation to experience – to trust your intuition

I hope the above information will be of service to you. While knowledge can do so much I highly invite you to experience. As it is only through our own direct experience that we can truly learn, discern, understand and progress. Use some of the tools I mention above and notice how you feel. And if you feel so called you are very welcome to visit for a cord-cutting session to experience how it feels to have a trained energy worker clear your field.