Debbie Oakes talks to Tanmaya George about the New Year's Resolution you can keep

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.”

Robin Sharma

The New Year. It ain’t what it used to be… but then again; what predictably is?

New Year Resolutions
Resolutions represent hope. The hope that if we make some creative changes to our daily habits, life will be lighter, happier, more abundant. And – why not? It’s a great idea to step across the portal of the new year with an intention for new beginnings. Yet, a long two years have passed since my resolution lists have been drawn with any confidence. I don't know about you, but this new year I am again tiptoeing tentatively across the finish line. Don't get me wrong I still have an inventory of hopes: eating less, moving more, learning new skills, quitting bad habits and making more money. But this new year it’s with a different approach. I’m going to the core.

"It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change."
Charles Darwin

I have found one of the Pandemic’s biggest lessons to be that when everything seems out of control; all I can attempt to affect is my thoughts. Even if I wanted to be the same ol’ person dancing to the same ol’ tune of broken resolutions – life right now is playing an opera of very little choice. Our collective consciousness has been aroused and, in big ways and small, humanity has hit an adaptation moment. The commando-course of ducking and diving between lockdowns, social distancing, working from home and booster shots has made me realise: I don’t need to work on change. I need to work on how I face change. So this year I’m, going deep. I’m going to the Source. I’m looking at where ‘me’ comes from – my thoughts. So, this year there’s only one resolution: mindfulness.

“We create our reality, so if we want to change our reality, we need to change ourselves. It’s both simple and complex… how do we make those changes? Much of what limits us is our subconscious mind. We need to bring in light or awareness to transmute it. This is really an alchemical process of inner transformation. In conjunction with meditation and rituals, the ancient tools of Kabbalah, Life Activation and Initiation greatly accelerate this process.” Tanmaya George

The Mindfulness Resolution

Tanmaya says, the New Year is a great time to go through everything both around you and inside you. It’s a great place to start the process of letting go and symbolically making space for the new. She advises to look around your home for what no longer serves you… maybe it can serve others? Consciously go through your thoughts and self imposed limitations. Watch them and be super vigilant about those that no longer serve you.

“Life’s purpose is already inside us. It’s hidden inside just the layers of our consciousness. We need to clear all the the metaphorical dust: the negative thoughts, the emotional baggage, the trauma that keeps us locked in the past. This is what limits us because we can’t see what is there. Our true self underneath connects us to our purpose.”
Tanmaya George

A Life Activation session is a great way to reboot and restart the year on the right foot. Tanmaya says that true healing is coming back to our Self, our essence. Letting go of limiting beliefs and thoughts by targeting your mental, emotional or spiritual blocks initiates the process. “When you want to start something new, create a fresh start, bring in new inspiration, hope and move into a positive direction we should release our limited perception of possibility,” she says.

Tanmaya’s Questions for the New Year

When we enter a new year we have the feeling of blank page. It is enticing us to think about new plans, new visions, and habits we want to change to support us. We should ask ourselves important questions in the approach to the New Year (and beyond) that help us align with our purpose.

1.    Am I doing what I truly believe to be important in life?

2.    Am I working towards my real goals?

3.    Am I fulfilling my true aspirations?

4.   If the answer to any of these questions is “no” then: why haven’t I made the time?

Three Powerful Mindfulness Tools for the New Year

These tools go hand-in-hand with the mindfulness resolution. Indeed, it could be argued they are the key. But oh how I (traditionally) resist them. There never seems to be enough time, the right mood or space. But, for deep change, there’s really no alternative than to get over myself. That might mean waking up earlier, locking out the kids and cats out of my bedroom, or delaying night time Netflix.

1. Meditation

“We can’t solve something with that which created the problem in the first place. We need to find a way to elevate ourselves out of the drama of the emotions and trauma loops. When we cultivate a place of stillness and a connection to the higher self, the wise self, we can more easily transmute difficult patterns and emotions and find ways out of these loops. The Sanctuary meditation from Empower Thyself is particularly helpful for this.”

Tanmaya George

I have found that, without any effort at all, there is always an excuse not to meditate. It’s nuts because I have felt and seen the benefits in my own life. In periods when I have carved out time  

in my life to meditate every (most) day(s) I have never felt more balanced and mentally well. I have been in full manifestation mode. No matter how hard it is to get into the routine of it, the magic and (dare I say it) ‘joy’ that happens when connected to Source or Self, when the lines of communication to the great subconscious are opened, it far outweighs the consistent bla bla bla of the body and monkey-mind.

2. Journaling

“Pages clarify our yearnings. They keep an eye on our goals. They may provoke us, coax us, comfort us, even cajole us, as well as prioritize and synchronize the day at hand. If we are drifting, the pages will point that out. They will point the way True North. Each morning, as we face the page, we meet ourselves. The pages give us a place to vent and a place to dream.”

Julia Cameron
Like meditating, there is always a long list of reasons not to do morning pages. But if there is a tool that has helped me to better clarify the muddy waters of life – in black and white – I have not found it. The truth is you simply cannot keep banging on to yourself about the same thing every day and not do something about it. The inspirations, the truths, the thoughts do eventually seem to emerge like proverbial lotuses from the sludge.

3. Rituals

“Since the beginning of time rituals have been used to help us connect to the light within and to increase our connection to it. As we nurture and care for our energy field this benefits our mental and emotional state and supports us in staying centred and grounded through life’s changes and challenges.”
Tanmaya George

Tanmaya suggests a visualisation for the New Year. She suggests you visualise your life as a boat. Mentally set your compass to direct your boat on a new journey. Write down the new adventures you will have and exciting things you will discover and experience in the new year.

Life Activation is a great session to start off the year. All your energy bodies are realigned and purified, increasing your connection to the deeper purpose you hold within. The session starts a process of realignment (which takes a few months to fully integrate). It is perfect to do in times of transition or when we wish to bring in more flow, new opportunities and accelerate deeper healing.

This new year I wish you love. I wish you the energetic potential of gratitude, the healing power of forgiveness, mindfulness and the deep magick of knowing yourself.

Happy New Year!

Upcoming Classes and recommended sessions:

Empower Thyself Class 7/8th of Jan– start the year with new tools to shift your energy on a daily basis

Life Activation Individual Session – bookable on request

For more information about a mindful approach to the new year and Life Activation contact Tanmaya