Self Care for Healers & Empaths [Webinar Recording 24.4.2019]



Super so let's get started.

We have about an hour together and I hope that we'll get done with what I want to share earlier than that, so that we can discuss any of your specific cases.

Because I'm very keen to support you in whatever way is more relevant to you.


[Human Energies & Aura]

So, we are going to talk today about human energies.

Human energies and the aura.

Because that's the foundation to understanding why it is that we sometimes struggle with our energy levels, and get affected by energies around us, especially when you're working in certain environment.

Before we dive into that, I wanted to share with you the understanding of quantum physics, which shows us that basically as one person, with our emotions and thoughts, we influence our whole environment where our consciousness plays a vital role in manifesting what we have around us but also influences everything around us.

That's the foundation of everything that we're going to be discussing today.

It works both ways.

The reason for that is that we are not just a physical body.

And I'm sure that many of you have had the experience of being in a place where there's lots of people around you, and sensing them even if they're not touching you.



The reason for that is obviously we have an aura - an energy field around us.

It's actually quite big.

In fact, [according to] the ancient metaphysicians their research their understanding, it's up to 30 meters.

So, you can imagine at any point in time, a lot of energies are overlapping with each other, especially when we live in a place like London.

That aura contains different layers.

We have our emotional layers, the mental and the spiritual layers.

All ancient traditions agree on those different types of layers in the aura and in the field around.

They have given different names depending on their traditions, but it's very similar.

That means that our thoughts and our emotions are projected out into the fields around us.

And equally, the thoughts and emotions of other people are in their field, and therefore, at times overlap with ours.

This is why we kind of sense.

So how do we perceive it? We perceive it through our senses.

Sometimes it can be like a sensation… almost like something is touching us;

or it can be that we pick up on other people's thoughts.

Some people can hear or see something like that in other people’s structures or even around us.

There are different ways we perceive that energy which, on some level, we are all influenced by, even if we're not actually consciously aware of them.

So I'm curious, maybe just take a moment for yourself to check in, how often do you actually consciously bring awareness to that phenomenon around you?

Because sometimes we can get quite important cues from using those senses in that way.

Is this something that you sometimes practice in your life - using your senses to sense the energy around you?

I can see there’s a question - that's really interesting - how do we know if this is our own energy or someone else’s energy that we were picking up?

That's a really important point. In fact, I'm going to go there a bit later in the next pages.

Catherine is sharing that you get goosebumps when you sense powerful energy.

Exactly, that's one way we can perceive, something powerful or positive.

When I get that goosebumps feeling, it's something positive in my case.

But again, we're all different and we have to find our own ways of learning how to use our senses.

And then sometimes we can get really down all of the sudden when it's something heavy.

It's a very immediate shift. These are some of the examples.


[The 7 Chakras]

Just to build on the aura - I want to bring in also the understanding of the chakras.

[…] I feel like most of you are familiar with that right? That we have energy centres in our body in different places to reach energy flows.

When you have an unobstructed flow, a clear field, our emotions can flow through, we have as a result a sense of clarity in our thoughts.

Our mind gets more quiet, and we have a continuous flow of energy.

That energy flows from the crown down into the root chakra, and then from the root chakra up.

That's the case for all humans.

In fact, we need to have some of that flow of energy to be functional, for us to live.

But in some cases, […] some of those energies that we just talked about - can be emotions or thought patterns, ours or are other people's - that can obstruct some of that flow.

And that's why sometimes we get like a sense of confusion, or lack of clarity, or certain anxiety, or certain things can come up, which we need to move through.


So if we are flowing light, if that's our natural state with our light, is the disturbance external or internal?

The reality is it's both.

Some of the disturbance can come from our own patterns, and some of the disturbance can come from patterns from outside.

Usually what happens is that these kind of [disturbances] interacting with each other.

And we need to be completely free of all these magnetic thought patterns so that we don't have any difficult emotions that we are not sometimes comfortable with.

It's much easier for us not to engage with similar thoughts or emotions from the outside field.

You can see how that plays out.

Basically, it's a combination of our inner state and the external state that lead to some situations that we sometimes get into.

The question is, how do we know what is what?

In some level, it is important to understand that.

The best way to do that is to get to know ourselves.

Because only through knowing our own patterns, knowing our own intricacies, we can understand or know - this is my issue or this is something that is a life of me.

But oftentimes we can only do that when we have a bit of distance, when we let everything settle,

once the situation has settled and the energy has shifted, and we still feel that there is something there, most of the time it's something inside of us that we need to shift.

I'll talk a little bit more about that a bit further down in this talk, but does this make sense so far? Are you with me?

okay make sense good.


[Nurturing Energy Boundaries and Keeping Energy Field Clean]

Now the question is, from my experience, when we want to keep our energy levels high, it really helps to keep the aura and our field clear.

There are different ways you can do that.

It's a practice [that] is different for everyone.

I'm going to share with you a list and then we can discuss together which of those you already do and which one serve you, and then what else you could be doing ok?


There are two main elements to keeping clear and keeping energy high and strong at all times:

One is about having strong energy boundaries.

Because obviously it’s a combination of being strong in our own inner state and having strong boundaries.

Because the outside space around us continuously influences our inner state

And our inner state, when it’s strong, it allows us to be stronger in our boundaries as well

so these two […] are very interlinked but we can work on them slightly differently.


To nurture natural energy boundaries, the first means that is to have the awareness of them.

Because one of my teachers once told me that, awareness is care.

If you bring awareness to your field, it's another way of bringing care to it.

It's almost about consciously we clean over the field around us, and owning it as ours.

That's kind of a mental construct or mental understanding, but it's also an energy thing where we start learning about the field around us

And there's different ways of doing that.

Sometimes we can just kind of touch it and sense.

In fact, a lot of the spiritual practices like Yoga which allows us to stretch into all the different kind of 3D aspects of our human experience, involves bringing our energy back into that space and owning the space.


And bodily practices help too because it helps us to really consciously come back into our field into our body.

But it's not just body. We actually come back into the field around us.

So everything that has to do with grounding, with touching our field, with expanding out into the movement, is useful.


That leads me back into the next point which is around movement and Chi practices.

Any form of moving energy which is like exercise, Tai Chi or Qi Gong, Yoga, martial arts…all of these practices are really beneficial for nurturing our energy boundaries.


And then we have our mindsets and beliefs.

Because many of us have somehow learned as children -

Actually, I’ve learned that it wasn't okay to say no; that it wasn't okay to have space.

For me, that was a big relearning of understanding that it's okay for me to take my space.

And we all have different ways of doing that.

There are loads of different techniques one can use and I'm sure you guys have several.


We have then tools which might be a little bit less familiar to you and one of them is using sacred symbols in your field.

In ancient days, for everyone who used to work with energy, symbols were just part of the normal language.

And actually, they still are.

We all understand symbols or geometries intuitively because they are a form of vibration.

In ancient days, we used to learn how to actually push out this kind of vibration into our fields so that it works around us, lives with us.

And that's a powerful way of strengthening and nurturing our energy boundaries.


Then finally, we have the support from light beings.

We can ask specific beings to support us with this work.


Now […] if you could take a poll and share with me which one of those practices you already do: awareness, movement and Chi practice, mindsets and beliefs, sacred symbols.


I'm gonna just give you another 30 seconds or so to finish the poll.


So let's see.

Almost all of you practice the awareness of the boundaries - that’s wonderful.

And the movements and Chi practices, mindsets and beliefs

And then two of you have had the experience of using sacred symbols in your field and working with light-beings.

In terms of what you used to clear the field it seems like movement and Chi and meditation.

And many of you use the essential herbs to clear it.

Only three of you used salt and water.


Okay so let's talk about some of that.

It seems like everyone is familiar with awareness in terms of nurturing the boundaries so we're going to talk more about sacred symbols in the field and support from the light beings a bit further down.

But around clearing the field, I'm just going to comment a little bit on some of the things I see here.


Salt and water.

So salt bath is what I mean here.

You take salt which is very clearing for energy because it absorbs toxins but also absorbs energy from our field. So it's very powerful to use salt bath if you feel that you are drained energetically.

Because, maybe just to take a step back, when we are tired, it means that our flow of Chi is constricted.

Basically, as we start expanding that flow again, we feel more energy.

Sometimes before I started my practices, I feel super tired. The minute I start doing them or as soon as I'm done with it, I'm back in my energy flow, and I feel energised and well.

By just shifting the energy in our field, we can actually get back to our field and feel more energised in general.

So, salt & water is really good for that.

In order to talk about the symbols, I need to also talk about the energy rituals because they are connected.


[Energy Rituals]

What energy rituals do is that they reconnect us to the flow that I mentioned earlier, and they allow us to create the sacred geometry in our field.

They work around with us, and then continuously strengthen and purify our field.

They do the work for us basically.

Another way we can use rituals as well is to bring down specific energies to support us.

That's where we kind of work with energies of spiritual beings for example.

How it's done? It's a combination of three things: thoughts, words and deeds, or in other words our intention, our words and our movements.

These three things together is how we create energy.

It's also how we create those sacred geometries in our field.


Many of you might be familiar with mantras or things like that - when you chant - so that's one element of it.

When you combine that with a specific intention, or with a specific movement, that's how you create sacred geometries in your field, or how you create an energy field that is filled with a specific vibration.

Because sacred geometry corresponds to vibrations.

And as we create that vibration, it travels with us, and it helps us to be in a flow, in a light-filled space wherever we go.

So that translates into a state of feeling that our thoughts are more positive; our emotions are more positive; even when we're in environments where there is a need of that.


As a result, we can actually positively impact our environment because our aura overlaps with that of other people around us.

It's not a very logical process to be honest; it's more of a process that needs to be experienced.

Because as we experience it we use our own senses to make sense of that.


There are different symbols that we can use or get activated within our own structure when we work in that way.


[The Tree of Life]

All of these rituals that I practice regularly, they come from different traditions and backgrounds.

Some of them come from the Tree of Life.

How many of you have heard of the Tree of Life?

So the Tree of Life is, I would say, the most ancient and most comprehensive depository of esoteric or energetic knowledge.

It contains information about astrology, about tarot, about numerology, about any form of vibration.

It is also a very powerful system of human evolution and knowledge.

It actually predates Jewish religion, but it was integrated into the religion as it formed.

Nowadays it’s often associated with the Jewish religion, but it actually is much older than that.


In the left image you see a spiral going up, like the serpent or the Kundalini rising.

And you see behind that those circles - small round circles and big round circles -

and all these circles together form what is called The Tree of Life.

It's also called the glyph.

As you start looking more closely, there are triangles, circles, squares, and those form other geometries together.

These geometries are also forms of sacred geometries.

So there's so much I could tell you about the Tree.

But basically, the Tree of Life or the understanding of Kabbalistic research is where a lot of the rituals come from.


And you see also this big tree as a symbol of enlightenment.

For example, Buddha, as you know, woke up or got enlightened next to a tree.

That image is very frequent in reference to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

Because it's such a powerful way of ascending into an aspect of ourselves which is the divine aspect.


So that gives you an idea of the origins.

[Hermetic Traditions]

Now another part of the origins of these ancient rituals are the hermetic traditions.

The book Hermetica is really interesting. It gives a lot of information about energy and understanding of energy that people had thousands and thousands of years ago.

Here is an interesting image: a person who's kind of in the dimension of the physical world, seeing everything as it is - the beauty of the land, the trees and the Sun, and then goes beyond a veil, crossing into an understanding of the machinery of the Universe.

That's a little bit what we start doing when we start working with energy in that ways.

We start to understand more and more through our own senses - how we can create our own reality or how we can influence the environment that we live in, rather than be a result of it.

That's the source of the hermetic traditions.


Some of these wisdoms were practiced in different forms by different tribes all over the world and used to be an integral part of the tribal life.

It was very normal to be talking about or to just share these practices with each other.

As organised religion came in it started to integrate into religion but not fully just aspects of it, more like superficially.

So now we don't always have full understanding of the truth of how to work with energy in an empowering way.

That gives us back an understanding of what our field is and how to work with it.

But the wisdom is still around and we can work with it today.



Here you see for example in that image, a circle that is made with stones.

All traditions, be it Tibetan or Buddhism or in the Indian traditions or the Western Kabbalistic traditions, they all have a form of a circle to contain energy.

In the traditions that I trained in, we learn how to create an energetic circle that allows us to hold energy wherever we are…so that we can fill it with something that we feel is positive and live in that space.


So, let me open for questions at this point. I can share more but I want to make it more relevant to the questions you might have.

