Protection Versus Fear

Grace Hui for Incentre

It is probably fair to say that most people want to feel safe and in that quest for safety, it is also possible that some of us may go into fear. Many of us want to protect our personal spaces, our physical, mental, emotional and energetic well-being. It is however sometimes easy for us to unconsciously slip into the drama of fear which serves no one. Not only is going into a pattern of fear not protective, it is actually damaging. 

In our bid to protect ourselves, are we subconsciously enabling the fear of the mind?

What is protection?

The concept of safety will likely differ from person to person. We are all affected by or influenced by our past experiences. Yet, while this is the case, we will have a lot more clarity on what genuinely works for us if we are self-aware - aware of our own personal traumas, our wounds - how these affect our thoughts and actions and how we project these feelings or emotions onto situations and other people.

If we truly knew ourselves and where our strengths or weaknesses lie, we wouldn’t simply be reacting to outside stimuli or fear patterns from the mind with no control whatsoever. Rather, we would have the wisdom to see a situation for what it really is, free of the pollution of past traumas. With that clarity, we can respond in a way that truly deals with the situation. We will be able to see if we genuinely needed protection, what we needed protection for and to protect ourselves accordingly in a way that is right for us.

We would be free from the groundhog day of fear.

What is fear?

Fear is a primal instinct that has been honed into humanity for our survival. However, in our modern day and age, a lot of fear is created by the drama of the mind. It is no longer fear born from a live or die race for survival. Often it is a mind loop that feeds from our unprocessed and unhealed wounds and hurts.

Fear in itself does not serve us. On the other hand, understanding where we need protection and from what gives us an opportunity to respond effectively.

However, if we are unaware of our own issues and how these might affect us, we wouldn’t necessarily know the difference between what stems from our own state and what stems from something outside of us which we need to respond to.

What is the point of fear for fear itself? It serves no purpose apart from robbing us of our peace of mind. Knowing where the fear stems from and whether or not genuine protection is needed is when fear can serve as an indication for us to take the required actions so that we no longer have to fear.

But how to we reach that level of discernment?

That can only come with truly knowing thyself. 

This is why the Mystery School traditions always focus on knowing ourselves - the good, the bad, the ugly. That way, we aren’t subsisting in a unconscious pattern but are able to live life without the shackles of fear. We can live in complete freedom - living life alive.

How do we know we are going into the mind loop of fear?

Many of us have bought into the fear of others. We are all connected and if we aren’t fully aware of who we are, what we stand for and what we truly want, it is easy to simply live someone else’s dreams, succumb to someone else’s fears and fall prey to the collective fears of society (many of which may not actually apply to us). 

For example, many of us may spend huge amounts of time fearing that our houses will be robbed when in reality we live in environments with objectively low crime rates. While I am not advocating that we throw all caution to the wind, it is important that we are able to recognise unfounded fears and take a balanced approach to safety. However, if we entertain the mind loop of fear, we will get sucked into a blackhole of fear which not only wastes of our time and energy but does absolutely nothing in reality to make us safer.

Or, we might be drawing unfounded parallels from past negative experiences to our current lives. This prevents us from living in the present and distorts reality. While we cannot change the past, we can take ownership for our own healing so that the phantoms of the past no longer have a hold over us.

Yet, none of this can happen unless we truly know ourselves. 

Taking responsibility for ourselves

No one can help us to know ourselves. We have to do it for ourselves. While we will benefit from the guidance of a teacher, friends, family members, we first need to take ownership and make the decision to walk the path to truly know ourselves. 

The path will not be easy. Nor will it be short cut to feeling good. Often, it will require us to truly face ourselves, warts and all and come out on the other side. It will require us to face our fears and conquer them, It will require us to face our hurts and pains so that we can heal from them.

While this may all sound rather unappealing in the short term, in the long run, it will reap rewards that will be enriching. The more we face ourselves, the more we will be free. 

After all, the most important relationship we have in this lifetime is with ourselves and how can we have an authentic relationship with ourselves if we did not truly know thyselves?

Ipsisimus Dave Lanyon from the Modern Mystery School sets this out clearly in this video.

What is the path?

While we all have a different purpose and different ways in which seek fulfilment, the process of walking the path of knowing thyself is one that can serve all of us individually in a focused manner.

A key to knowing yourself is to know your true purpose in life. To know your life’s purpose and live in alignment with it will create an experience of unprecedented joy and a new level of fulfilment in your life.

Because the journey to knowing thyself can be difficult, we can get distracted and confused along the way. Having a path that thousands before us have walked can be hugely supportive and helpful. 

Many of the ancient mystery schools have a path of progression that guides us on this journey. In the Modern Mystery School, there is a clearly laid out path of progression to support us on this adventure of physicality.

Life Activation

In the Modern Mystery School, the first step of the path if the Life Activation. Unlike a healing, a Life Activation is a session that activates dormant parts of us. While this activation is hugely healing, it does something far greater. It awakens us to who we really are and reconnects us to our divine blue print. It anchors more light into our structure and gives us greater access to the wisdom of our own higher selves. 

From a place of more clarity, we will be able to navigate our lives in a way that is more authentic to who we truly are.

Empower Thyself Class and Initiation

The next step of the path, should one desire, is the Empower Thyself Class and Initiation. In this class, the tools of working with our own energy are handed down. These tools help us to recognise our own energies and to work with them in a way that serves our highest good. These tools also help us to keep out external influences so that we can make decisions and take actions based on who we truly are without external distractions. 

Further, this class will learn how the Hierarchy of Light and heaven is structured, how to work with the Archangels and Angels to guide your life, as well as sacred tools such as rituals, meditations and prayer.

The metaphysical concepts and ancient teachings originate from the ancient lineage of King Solomon, which is still one of the 7 great Mystery Schools on the planet today. These unique teachings have been passed from teacher to student for over 3000 years, while much of the wisdom goes back 8000 years to the time of Hermes.  By going back to the source of the knowledge, you’ll gain a complete and deep understanding of these teachings - but you can read more about this by exploring Hermetica in the reading list!

Every Master of Light has received this initiation at some point, as it’s the ancient method used to anchor more light energy into your structure, creating self-awareness and an increased sense of perception towards your environment. This is a safe way to progress on your spiritual path, as we let light in gradually.

Why Initiation and what is it?

In the ancient mystery school traditions, to ‘initiate’ means to begin a process – to start something. Initiation sets forces in motion for your metamorphosis, transformation, growth and spiritual journey. Initiation serves to ground the spiritual energies we are wielding, such as light, power and protection. These forces become anchored into our energy field so that we can readily access these energies through our mental, emotional and physical capacities to support us in our daily life choices, tasks and actions.

While classes provide us the knowledge of the tools, it is the process of initiation that advances and catalyses the process of knowing ourselves, exposing us to our own highest purpose and the potentialities available to you in our lives.

In a nutshell

It is easy to go into a rabbit hole of fear if we are not empowered to truly know ourselves, our own power and who we really are. In this mind trap, we fall into unconscious habits that keep us stuck. 

Fear is meant to be an indicator for us to take the necessary actions. It is not meant to be a permanent state that we fall into and remain stuck in. 



If you feel called to walk the path, you may start your first step with a simple Life Activation. Contact us at to learn more.