Embracing the cracks that lets the Light in

Embracing the cracks that lets the Light in

By Grace Hui for Incentre

Sometimes, healers and lightworkers may get into a loop believing that if they are entrusted to heal others, that they must be at a perfect stage in life. But, is this really possible or even sustainable? To ask ourselves a further question, can we really help others heal if we cannot recognise our own need for healing and to heal ourselves?

There is no shame in falling apart or making mistakes. Most healers are healers precisely because they have gone through trauma themselves and wish to help others who are suffering. So, if it is your experience of your past traumas that led to your desire to serve, why run away from other traumas you may face? Perhaps, these new traumas will also lead to your greater service of others as you heal from it?

Mastering vibration - psychic protection

Mastering vibration - psychic protection

By Grace Hui for Incentre

Everything around us is made up of energy. This is not just true in the domain of spirituality but also proven by conventional science. We and indeed, other living beings, are continuously affected by vibrations around us.

This also means that we have the power to create the energy that we want around us. In other words, there is no need to fear negativity. Rather, we can feel empowered with the knowledge that we can change what does not nourish us when we are aware. From this awareness we can live with the understanding that everything is mutable, that energy can be transmuted.

Have you entered a space and immediately felt uplifted by it or, have you attended events and met people whose positivity was contagious and made you feel joyful? Have there been times where you have been in the presence of such peace and calm that the effects linger within and around you for hours or days to come?

Conversely, have you had encounters where the negativity of someone brings you down, or worse, drains you? Have you inhabited spaces which just didn’t feel quite right and had an adverse effect on you emotionally, mentally and even physically? This is not to say that others may have the conscious decision to harm you. They could just simply have formed a negative opinion about you which they have not released and have put on you.

Because of how psychic we all are we are more often than not, afraid of the judgments of others. For example, we may stay in a job we don’t like, dress in a certain way, drive a particular type of car, dine at a specific restaurant or reside within a given postcode, not because we actually want to, but because we want others not to judge us”. The energy we can invest in avoiding judgement tells us how uncomfortable it feels.

In the same vein, our positive thoughts about others and the loving energy that we send them also have an uplifting effect on them. It can also raise our own vibrations to be within this field of loving positivity. This explains why prayers and high vibration words are able to heal and comfort.

Our energies do overlap with that of others and we do have the ability to affect one another. When we are happy, we can make the people around us feel happy. When we emit serenity, we have the ability to influence our surroundings to similarly be an oasis of calm. On the reverse, if we do not check in with or look after our own emotional and spiritual wellbeing, we may project our own anger or frustration outward, negatively impacting those around us. This same principle works for everyone which means that we have the power to influence what we want around us.

We all have both darkness and light within us. If we don't acknowledge our dark sides and learn to bring light to illuminate our shadows, we can unconsciously put this on someone else. If we are not aware of our own energetic hygiene, we may not recognise that these negative energies, which are not from us, are taking over.

This does not have to be an inevitable occurrence in which we have no ability to control. Far from it - there are many ways we can protect our energy spaces. We also have to take ownership of what we put out there. As the Hermetic principle goes - as within so without, as above, so below.

The Alchemist - A Book Review from the Heart

The Alchemist - A Book Review from the Heart

By Grace Hui for Incentre

I first read this book when I was in law school 20 years ago. At that time, I enjoyed the lyrical style of Paulo Coelho. As each sentence flowed into the next, it read like a romantic and timeless song. The idea of a quest and a mission, as embarked upon by the tale’s protagonist, a shepherd boy, fired in me the idea of a life of purpose and adventure while the free spirit in me engaged with the idea of destiny.

The boy shepherd was never named - he was quite simply referred to as “the boy” or “the shepherd”. This anonymity gave me the promise that this mission was available and applicable to all. The idea of the “unknown” was tantalising to me.

However, beyond the physical excitement of a potential crusade into the unknown to pursue one’s destiny, I did not understand any further. The idea of destiny and free will also seemed to be contradictory concepts that evaded any deeper understanding on my part. While the book engaged me as I was reading it, its deeper meaning escaped me then. At the end of the book, I put it down as a book well written and never read it again for another two decades.

Lifting the Veil - What is a Mystery School?

Lifting the Veil - What is a Mystery School?

By Grace Hui for Incentre

The word “mystery” often connotes some kind of hidden secret that needs to be uncovered. Over time, it may even have conveyed fear - fear of the unknown.

The term “mystery school” could lead some to consider the whole thing “woo woo” or nonsense while others could become fixated on the idea that there lies something out there to be discovered. Borrowing a phrase from The X Files - “The Truth is Out There”.

But is it?



By Grace Hui for Incentre

Our desire to connect to something sacred is hardwired into our DNA. Although we may have forgotten our connection to the divine, it is still there, awaiting to be reawakened.

Our fixation with looking outwards comes chiefly from an imbalance between our physical and spiritual selves. In our modern life, where the ancient ways have been neglected, there appears to be no fixed point or centre. In other words, we have not made space for a pillar to the divine, living solely within the limitations of our minds and the constraints of our physicality.

The ability to create our own sacred spaces is our birthright. It first comes from inwardly acknowledging the sacred. From within it filters outwards to the spaces in which we inhabit. Instead of looking out to in, we need to look from in to out. We can rediscover the holy places of our private universe by surrendering ourselves to the power of the sacred.

By recognising our divinity and oneness with the universe, we can harness the regenerative power or energy that exists for both our personal use and for social regeneration. We can quite literally heal the world by beginning with the healing of ourselves and our personal spaces.

Indeed, many of the wise masters of old have studied the concept of creating space through the contemplation of divine proportion and geometric patterns which are fundamental to the creation and perpetuation of life in the universe.

These masters understood that we have the power to create the space we want. The space does not create us.

We only have to understand that we have mastery over space! Not vice versa.

Emotional Hygiene and the Mastery of our feelings

Emotional Hygiene and the Mastery of our feelings

As children, our natural state was to explore the world around us with delight and to express the feeling of wonder with unbridled amazement, without fear of judgement. We freely feel and reveal our emotions - be it joy, pain, disappointment, anger, excitement or frustration.

As we grow, society around us begins to shape us. Unconsciously, we learn to hide what we feel for fear that those feelings of vulnerability will be dismissed or worst still, be seen as a weakness. At times, we fear the power and intensity of our own feelings and suppress all that we deem negative.

Out of a desire to fit in, we start to repress ourselves from all that makes us truly human. By so doing, we lose our connection to our true selves and deny ourselves the very power that should be our birthright.

But how do we process and transcend those feelings if we do not first learn to acknowledge them within ourselves?

There is no mastery without awareness.

Victim versus Victimhood

Victim versus Victimhood

Oftentimes, hurts are inflicted on us and it is not our fault. We may be victims of circumstances or someone else’s actions. However, how we choose to navigate our way out of that quagmire is our responsibility.

Victim versus Victimhood

Being a victim is temporary while being in victimhood is a permanent narrative that is created.

One can be a victim of something without falling into victimhood. There is a difference.

Sometimes, after we fall victim to something, we become attached to the suffering that the event has caused, not realising that it is something we have the power and indeed the responsibility to shift.

This is not to say that we bury the pain or repress it. In fact, we don’t have to forget that the event happened at all. It’s simply the realisation that while pain is inevitable, suffering is not!

Pain might be the direct result of the event that caused us to hurt. If we allow it to move through us, it does pass. However, if we choose to let it define us, it becomes our all-consuming narrative. So much so that we carry the burden of endless suffering, forgetting that we have the power to shift this!

To transcend, we do not have to forget, we only have to realise that within each of us, we have the power to shift.

Nothing is immutable!

No, we are not a Sex Cult

No, we are not a Sex Cult

I observe that in our society at large it seems okay to paint women as co-dependent victims. It is an accepted narrative that many do not see as disempowering.

The underlying assumption here is that the woman had no choice but to accept the abuse because she is too "weak" or too "co-dependent" to choose something else. But what are we teaching our sisters and daughters if this is our primary storyline?

This is exactly the bias that Mark Wielding has chosen to build on in his recent article about the school I am a teacher at. He created a story that is built on the premise that the women training at the school are essentially dummies who blindly follow the “bad” men who are leading the school. He uses no facts to actually prove that the men have done something wrong but instead insinuates, using hearsay to fabricate a story that is entirely incorrect and only works if you buy into the narrative that women are disempowered and easily manipulated.

Empower Thyself, Initiation and the beginning of knowing

Empower Thyself, Initiation and the beginning of knowing

With initiation, we are able to step into the power of our divine selves and discern between what is in the highest good of self and take ownership of what is ours in order to process and progress.

When we truly understand ourselves, we can clearly see what is ours to transcend and what is not ours to take on. We are able to navigate life with love and with healthy boundaries.

The path of the initiate is one that is of constant growth and expansion.

As women we are a vessel for life..

As women we are a vessel for life..

As women we are the vessels for life. We literally birth life onto the planet and whether we are mothers to children or not we are all mothers in the sense of the holder and bringer and protector of light.

It is also us who hold in our wombs and raise the men on this planet and our energy, the energy we hold as women has a direct impact on how men are towards us.

In all the talk of female liberation and equality we at times forgot to consider what energy we send out as women to our men. And we need to flow the light and love of the goddess to our men as much as to our children and sisters. The whole world is in uproar and the patient, forgiving and loving energy of the goddess who knows her worth and her boundaries is so needed right now. And equally so is the power and authority of the goddess who knows her worth and can wield her sword if needed. READ MORE

Cult or Culture..?

Cult or Culture..?

Cult, which shares an origin with culture and cultivate, comes from the Latin cultus, a noun with meanings ranging from "tilling, cultivation" to "training or education" to "adoration (Merriam-Webster)

Recently an article was published about the school I train with and am a teacher at – The Modern Mystery School. The article contains a lot of made-up facts and half-truths that are incoherent and clearly built up for drama effect and yes obviously it uses the word “cult”.

This is not surprising given the online magazine in questions makes money from clicks on their articles. Their articles are interjected with online adverts so the more people click on a sensational statement the more money they make. Interestingly they accuse the school of offering its teachings in exchange for money.

Spiritual Senses Explained: Etheric Energy

Spiritual Senses Explained: Etheric Energy

We are all composed of many complex energy bodies, systems and structures. One such system is the etheric body.

Etheric energy is based on Three Wills: the Will of God, the Will of the Universe/Nature and the Will of Humans.

For us to be in perfect balance and to progress on our path, all three of these energies must flow in harmony - in the clockwise direction.

As human beings, however, our Human Will tends to flow anti-clockwise. In other words, contrary to the Will of God and the Will of the Universe / Nature.

Ceremonial Healing: Rebalancing with LIGHT, LOVE and STRENGTH ♥★♥

Ceremonial Healing: Rebalancing with LIGHT, LOVE and STRENGTH ♥★♥

At the core of your being is the true essence of who YOU are
Light, power, strength, love, joy, playfulness… and so much beauty.

Between that and what you are experiencing right now is what? Layers of accumulated, emotions, beliefs, identities, patterns.

And because everything is vibration these patterns, emotions and thoughts all are.. vibration!

So where are they located?
In our bodies? In our mind?

The ancient science of metaphysics goes further than that and describes a number of energy bodies that are recipients or containers for vibration.

Embracing Spring

Embracing Spring

Spring is the season where life bursts forth. After the hibernation of the dark colder months, the seeds that have been germinating, ideas that have been nurtured now have their time to emerge into the Light.

Ostara or the Spring Equinox is the point of perfect balance between light and dark. Night and day are of equal length and there is perfect equilibrium. It is a time where masculine and feminine energies are in harmony and where there in outer and inner parity.

The Magician Within…

The Magician Within…

In a world that has seemingly rejected the ancient ways, we have sometimes forgotten our access to the energy of the Magician.

A reliance on technology and modern thought has meant that we are out of practice in the creation of our own reality. How often have we stopped to realise that we have the power to create something out of nothing every day?

The archetype of the Magician teaches us about creation and our capacity to bring into being what was never there before. It allows us to reclaim our birthright as co-creators of the universe.

Birthing the Warrior

by Grace Hui

Very often, when one thinks of spirituality and spiritual growth, the mind veers towards gentleness, healing, forgiveness and softness. While all these qualities are important, they do not present the full picture of expansion. In our bid to progress on our path, we sometimes forget to acknowledge that duality is very much a part of who we are holistically.

In the lineage of King Solomon, all warriors are trained as healers and vice versa - showing that both aspects are equally crucial and one cannot exist without the other.



by Grace Hui

Do you ever wonder what your soul’s purpose is? If you are one that is retrospective, chances are, you would. However, for us not to be misled by our feelings, we need to develop discernment.

This is not to say that feelings have no value. Of course, they do. Very often, feelings give us an indication of our well-being. For example, feelings of anger could mean that a boundary has been breached while sadness could indicate that you are yearning for something you cannot have or conversely, that you have lost something.

The biology of balance: about the nervous system and how to care for it..

The biology of balance: about the nervous system and how to care for it..

by Tanmaya George

You may have used or heard terms such as "its my nerves" or "he is getting on my nerves". But what do we mean by it..?

Our nerves transmit information. The part of our nervous system called the autonomic nervous system ensures the communication between the brain and the rest of the body. It controls involuntary body functions such as breathing, blood pressure, heartbeat and the dilation or constriction of blood vessels.



By Grace Hui

I always thought that embarking on the spiritual path would make me happier, that somehow I would suddenly become a person that was always able to avoid or solve problems. I don’t know what gave me that idea but nevertheless it was subconsciously there. It therefore came as a rude shock that even as I meditated, journalled and did rituals, I was still fundamentally the same person who had triggers and anxieties.